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TRAF 051 ( NEW ) PETITION AND ORDER TO REDUCE OR VACATE CIVIL ASSESSMENT PETITION AND ORDER FOR ABILITY TO PAY DETERMINATION Cal. Rules of Court, LASC Approved 3 /1 7 Rules, 4.106 & 4.335 For Optional Use Page 1 of 2 NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF DEFENDANT OR ATTORNEY: ATTORNEY FOR (Name): STATE BAR NUMBER SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES COURTHOUSE ADDRESS: DEFENDANT /PETITIONER : PETITION AND ORDER TO REDUCE OR VACATE CIVIL ASSESSMENT PETITION AND ORDER FOR AN ABILITY - TO - PAY DETERMINATION C ITATION NUMBER / LEA : Petition to Reduce or Vacate Civil Assessment California Rules of Court, Rule 4.106 If you received a notice that a civil assessment has been added to your citation, you may petition the court to reduce orvacate the assessment.The petition must be filed within 20 calendar days from the action date on the notification sent by the court. Note: A petition to reduce or vacate an assessment does not stay any order requiring payment of bail, fines, penalties, fees,or assessments unless specifically ordered by a judicial officer. Petition for Ability-to-Pay Determination California Rules of Court, Rule 4.335 You may request an ability-to-pay determination at sentencing, if you are currently on an installment plan, performingcommunity service to satisfy your judgment, or while your judgment remains unpaid, including when your case isdelinquent or in collections.You have the right to a review by a judicial officer. If you submit your request in writing, include any information you wantthe court to consider.If an ability-to-pay determination has already occurred, a subsequent ability-to-pay determination can be requested onlybased on a change in circumstances. Instructions: Complete and file this form with any additional information or documentation you wish the court to consider. (See Page 2 for more information.) Petition: To Reduce or Vacate Civil Assessment For an Ability-to-Pay Determination Check one: This is my first petition. I have submitted a petition before. Please explain your r eason for Petition or c hange in circumstance: Additional sheets attached to this document. I want the court to make a determination based upon my declaration and supporting documents.I am requesting to go to court to appear before a judicial officer to be heard on this matter. DECLARATION I declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California , that the information I have provided with this petition is true and correct. Date: American LegalNet, Inc. TRAF 051 ( NEW ) PETITION AND ORDER TO REDUCE OR VACATE CIVIL ASSESSMENT PETITION AND ORDER FOR ABILITY TO PAY DETERMINATION Cal. Rules of Court, LASC Approved 3 /1 7 Rules, 4.106 & 4.335 For Optional Use Page 2 of 2 INFORMATION If you submit the petition, the court will respond to you in writing. Please allow up to four weeks for a response. If the court requires more information to make its determination, you will be notified in writing. The court may also order you to appear in court for a hearing. For Petition to Reduce or Vacate Civil Assessment: Provide the reason(s) and documentation for your failure to appear on the due date. For Petition for Ability-to-Pay Determination: Provide the reason(s) and any documentation to support your request, such as: Proof of receiving any supportive services, such as food stamps, IHSS, general relief, etc. Any recent statements for fixed monthly payments (car, rent, utilities, credit card/loans, etc.) Pay stubs, disability/retirement income, or any other source of income Bank statements, W-bankruptcy information and/or income tax returns IMPORTANT: Once the judicial officer has made a ruling, the c ourt will discard a ll supportive document s submi t t ed with this petition . To have your documents returned , p rovide a self - addressed stamped envelope with the proper postage attached . ORDER The Court has reviewed and considered the: Petition to Reduce or Vacate Civil Assessment: The court does does not find good cause for the failure to appear. Petition for Ability-to-Pay Determination The Court Now Orders: Good cause shown, the civil assessment is reduced to $ . Civil assessment is vacated. Collection vendor/court staff to set up a payment plan with the defendant. . Due by . As to count(s): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. . hold released for this citation. Sentence suspended. As to counts: All counts. Petition is denied. All previous orders remain in full force and effect. No further proceedings on this issue. Matter is ordered set for an ability-to-pay hearing. Defendant ordered to appear as directed and bring the following: Date: Judicial Officer For Court Use Ability-to-Pay Hearing: Your court hearing has been set as follows: Date: Time: Dept.: Court Location: PROOF OF SERVICE I, the below-named Executive Officer/Clerk of the above entitled court, do hereby certify that I am not a party to the cause herein, and that on this date, I served the Petition and Order upon the defendant/counsel as indicated on Page One of this document: by placing it for collection and mailing so as to cause it to be deposited in the United States mail at the courthouse in , California. One copy of the original filed in a sealed envelope to the address of record with the postage thereon fully prepaid, in accordance with court practices. by personally providing a copy to the defendant. SHERRI R. CARTER, Executive Officer/Clerk Date: By Deputy SCAN THIS FORM AS: PETG (Granted) PETD (Denied) PETH (Hearing Set) American LegalNet, Inc.