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ZONING PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS & CHECKLIST LOS ANGELES COUNTY 226 DEPARTMENT OF REGIONAL PLANNING Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planni ng | 320 W. Temple Street | Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone 213.974.6411 | Fax 213.626.0434 | TDD 213.671.2922 | CC 01.23.2017 Applicants are advised to consult with planning staff prior to submitting an application. For assistance call 213-974-6411 or . For a submittal appointment call 213-974-6438. Use this checklist for a zoning permit ( discretionary review ) application , pursuant to Chapter 22.56 : Conditional Use Permit (CUP), Variance, Parking Permit, Non-Conforming Review, Conditional Use Permit Modification, Coastal Permit, Zone Change, Plan Amendment, etc. Do not use this checklist for Land Division or Oak Tree Permit applications. Failure to provide all required information may cause delay or denial of the application. For answers to the most frequently asked questions: and review the 223Application Process224 flowchart here permitapplicationflowchart.pdf Checklist Certification: I certify that all requested materials have been submitted with my application and the checklist is complete. I understand that failure to submit required information may cause delay. I also understand that additional items may be requested after the applicat ion is submitted and reviewed. SIGNATURE: DATE: PRINT NAME: CHECK ONE: Owner Applicant Agent Mailing Label and Ownership Map Authorization: I hereby grant the Department of Regional Planning authorization to provide the certified mailing list, mailing labels, ownership and vicinity maps as required by Title 22 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Los Angeles County Code. SIGNATURE: DATE: PRINT NAME: CHECK ONE: Owner Applicant Agent 1. Filing Fees Cash, check or money order payable to Los Angeles County. ( ) 2. CD of PDF files of all the following applicable items. Label CD with address or Assessor Parcel Number (APN). 3. Zoning Permit Application Completed with original (wet) signatures. ( ) 4. Environmental Assessment Information Form 226 (Consult with staff prior to submittal) Prior to submittal, applicants are advised to consult with planning staff to determine if the proposed project is subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Your project may be exempt. All projects must comply with CEQA. The county is required to conduct an environmental assessment ( Initial Study ) for projects subject t o CEQA. 5. Proof of Ownership An Ownership Disclosure is required if the property is owned by an LLC, corporation, partnershi p American LegalNet, Inc. ZONING PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS & CHECKLIST Page 2 of 10 Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning | 320 W. Temple Street | Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone 213.974 .6411 | Fax 213.626.0434 | TDD 213.671.2922 | or trust. The disclosure must list the name and addresses of the principal owners (25% or greater) and attach a copy of the current corporate articles, partnership agreement, or trust document, as applicable. The Grant Deed is required if the ownership does not match County records. Ownership on the deed must correspond exactly with the ownership listed on the application. A notarized Letter of Authorization (LOA) is required from the property owner if anyone other than the owner signs the application. The authorized person (agent, applicant) on the LOA must correspond with the signature on the application. 6. Ownership & Consent Affidavit Signed by property owner(s) with original (wet) signatures. If property owner is not a private individual, also provide a copy of the Articles of Incorporation, Articles of Organization, list of the land trust beneficiaries, etc. Provide name(s) of the person(s) authorized to sign on behalf of the organization. 7. Certificate of Compliance (COC) Please be advised that a recorded unconditional COC may be required prior to final plan approval. If the Assessor222s Parcel Map indicates a dashed-line (deed-cut) parcel, provide a copy of the recorded COC, if available. COC application may be processed concurrently. ( http://planning ) 8. Burden of Proof Each zoning permit request requires a separate 223Burden of Proof224 statement prepared by the applicant. Your request requires accurate and complete responses. 223Yes224 or 223no224 answers are not acceptable. It is the applicant222s responsibility to substantiate the Burden of Proof. See 223Guidelines for Writing Your Burden of Proof224 bop20090826.pdf 9. Project Narrative 226 (Optional/Recommended) If necessary, attach a separate sheet of paper with the heading 223Project Narrative.224 Provide a description of how the property is currently used and how you proposed to use the property. Describe daily or seasonal operations; number employees, customers, visitors; number of shifts; activities; products and services, as applicable. Applicants should discuss how the proposed project is consistent with the General Plan and any applicable Area or Community Plan. ( ). Describe how the proposed project complies with zoning development standards, including any applicable Community Standards District regulations. ( ). 10. Five Plan Sets (Full-sized, 223blueprint224 sized plans) (Not required for Wireless Telecommunication Facilities (WTFs) or Alcoholic Beverage Sales, submit only two reduced plan sets.) Full-sized plan sets must be scalable with a standard architect222s or engineer222s scale, generally drawn on 2 ft. x 3 ft. sheets. Additional copies of full - sized plan sets may be requested at a later d ate , prior to a public hearing American LegalNet, Inc. ZONING PERMIT INSTRUCTIONS & CHECKLIST Page 3 of 10 Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning | 320 W. Temple Street | Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phone 213.974.6411 | Fax 213.626.0434 | TDD 213.671.2922 | or after final approval. Do not submit rolled plans or unbound plans. Rolled or unbound plans cannot be accepted. Plans sets must be folded to fit into an 8.5 in. x 14 in. file folder. Plan sets need only include title sheet, site, floor and elevation plans. Do not submit mechanical drawings. Include topography, conceptual grading or landscape plans, as applicable. You may benefit from the aid of a professional with the preparation of your drawings. 10a. Site Plan Each site plan sheet must include: a) Project address, street name and Assessor Parcel Number(s). b) Applicant name, address and telephone number. c) Architect, engineer, designer name, street, phone number, web and e-mail address, as available. d) Sheet number. e) Vicinity map. f) Date of plan and revision dates. g) Scale, north arrow, and dimensions. Scale must be standard architectural or engineering scale. The following items may vary depending upon the complexity of the project: Parcel gross and net acreage. Front, side and rear yard proposed and required setbacks. Height of existing structures, fences, walls, trees, and other significant site features. Location and sq. ft. of existing and proposed building(s), structure(s). Conceptual landscape plan with open space and landscape area calculations. Protected zone of on-site and off-site protected oak trees located within 50 ft. of the project. Failure to accurately indicate all protected oak trees will delay review. Refer to Part 16 of Chapter 22.56 Oak Tree Permits. Setbacks, buffer yards and spaces between buildings with dimensions. Existing and proposed outdoor storage areas. Refer to Part 7 of Chapter 22.52 Outside Storage. Conceptual grading plan showing earthwork volume (including overex), pad and/or finished floor elevations, benchmark information, retaining wall location and heights, and grading limits,