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Page 1 of 3 LASC FAM 183 NEW 01/19 Court Order for Family-Centered Case Resolution Conference (FCCRC) For Mandatory Use Parentage Cases Ordered by Presiding Judge under Calif. Rule of Court 10.603(d) pending local rule adoption. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Branch Name: For Court Use Only Case Name: Petitioner: Respondent: Case Number: Court Order for Family-Centered Case Resolution Conference (FCCRC) PARENTAGE CASES The Court orders that: 1. The court will hold a Family-Centered Case Resolution Conference (223FCCRC224 or 223Conference224) at the same hearing on your Request for Order or Motion. The purpose of the Conference is to help move your case forward quickly and inexpensively to completion. 2. This order requires the parties to do certain things to prepare for that Conference. 3. What happens at the Conference? The judge may: Schedule deadlines to exchange information (discovery). Order you to meet with a mediator to try to make some agreements with the other party. Discuss opportunities for areas of agreement. Decide when to schedule your case for written agreement (settlement) or trial. 4. You must serve the other party a copy of this Order. The party bringing the initial Request for Order or Motion must serve this FCCRC Order on all other parties. Service of this FCCRC Order shall be at the same time and in the same manner as service of the Request for Order or Motion. 5. Before the Family-Centered Case Resolution Conference (FCCRC) both parties must 223Meet and Confer.224 [NOTE: self-represented litigants are not required to have this discussion if there is a current restraining order in effect involving the parties.] The meeting may be by telephone or in person. At this meeting, the parties must talk about: A. Whether the parties agree that they are the parents of the minor child(ren). B. Whether any party is requesting genetic (DNA) testing. C. Whether any person other than the parties claims to be a parent of the child(ren). D. Whether any person other than the parties claims custody or visitation rights for the child(ren). E. Whether one or both parents should have 223legal custody224 (decision making authority) for the child(ren). F. With which parent should the child(ren) primarily live. G. The schedule for each parent222s parenting time (visitation) including holidays and vacations. [The parents may find it helpful to use form FL-341 (223Child Custody and Visitation (Parenting Time) Order Attachment224) and form FL-341(C) (223Children222s Holiday Schedule Attachment224) in discussions concerning parenting time and holiday and vacation scheduling.] H. Any other concerns a parent has about the child(ren)222s custody and visitation. American LegalNet, Inc. Page 2 of 3 LASC FAM 183 NEW 01/19 Court Order for Family-Centered Case Resolution Conference (FCCRC) For Mandatory Use Parentage Cases Ordered by Presiding Judge under Calif. Rule of Court 10.603(d) pending local rule adoption. I. Whether any party seeks to establish or to modify child support. [See Section 8 below for special information.] J. If an expert witness will be needed. K. If anyone else needs to be included in the legal case because of claims that other person is making. L. What investigation or other activities must be completed before the case can be settled or go to trial. On each of these items, the parties must: 1. Identify what each side is asking for in the case. 2. Discuss a reasonable suggested way to solve each disputed issue. 3. Identify issues that parties can agree on, and when a final written agreement can be completed for those issues. 6. You must go to the Family-Centered Case Resolution Conference. Both parties must go to the Conference. If there are lawyers and other parties, they must go to the Conference too. At the Conference, the judge will check the progress of your case and make further orders. The parties should bring the following documents to the Conference: 1. A copy of any Voluntary Declaration of Paternity relating to the child(ren). 2. A copy of any court order concerning parentage or child support for the child(ren). 3. A copy of the birth certificate for the child(ren). 4. Any written agreements the parties made concerning any issues including child custody and visitation (parenting time). 7. How to Get Ready for the Conference. If you do not have a lawyer to help you prepare for the Conference, you may: Contact the court222s Self-Help Resource Center (see below) Talk to or hire a lawyer or document preparer, or Visit for useful information including information about the court222s Self-Help Resource Centers Understand that it is your job to: Prepare for the Conference, Learn about the rules for the Conference, and Be ready to discuss all aspects of your case. 8. Special Orders Concerning Child Support. A. If your case involves child support, then special rules apply about where and by which judicial officer your child support issues will be heard. B. If your case was filed by the Child Support Services Department (223CSSD224), or if CSSD is enforcing child support, then any hearing on child support will have to be heard by a judicial officer in the Central Civil West Courthouse located at 600 South Commonwealth Avenue, Los Angeles, California, 90005. If this applies to your case, your judge will not make or modify any child support orders at the FCCRC. C. If child support is an issue in your case227and CSSD is not involved227then the court may discuss or make orders concerning child support at the FCCRC. At least 10 calendar days before FCCRC, both parties must file and serve a completed Income and Expense Declaration (form FL-150). If you are self- American LegalNet, Inc. Page 3 of 3 LASC FAM 183 NEW 01/19 Court Order for Family-Centered Case Resolution Conference (FCCRC) For Mandatory Use Parentage Cases Ordered by Presiding Judge under Calif. Rule of Court 10.603(d) pending local rule adoption. represented, the Court222s Self-Help Resource Center can help you complete this document. Please go to . D. In addition to filing and serving your Income and Expense Declaration described above, you must also bring to the FCCRC copies of your state and federal income tax returns (including all pages of the returns, all schedules and all worksheets) for the past two years. And you must bring every loan application (whether or not the loan was granted) you have made in the last two years. E. If you are self-employed or have any kind of business or rental income, no matter how large or small, then you also must bring to the FCCRC profit and loss statements for that business for the past two years, along with supporting records and documentation, and if possible your business tax returns (with all pages, schedules and worksheets.). [See Los Angeles County Local Rule 5.9]. FAILURE TO OBEY THESE ORDERS MAY RESULT IN THE COURT IMPOSING SANCTIONS AGAINST YOU UNDER CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE 247247 128, 177.5, FAMILY CODE 247 271, OR CALIFORNIA RULE OF COURT 5.14. Date: THOMAS TRENT LEWIS, Supervising Family Law Judge For questions, help, or forms205. Visit your local court222s self-help center. Talk to a lawyer or a qualified document preparer. Get forms and self-help information at and and American LegalNet, Inc.