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LASC FAM 120 (New 10/18) Court Order for Post - Judgment Requests for Orders CCP 247247 128.5, 177.5 ; Family Code 247 271 ; For Mandatory Use 5.14 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Branch N ame: For Court Use O n ly Case Name: Petitioner: Respondent: Case Number: Court Order for Post - Judgment R equest s For Orders The court orders that : The moving party must serve the other party with (1) a copy of this order and (2) a blank Post - Judgment R equest for Order (RFO ) Case Management F or m FAM 119 ) with the RFO . Each party must file and serve a Post - Judgment RFO Case Management Statement , Form FAM 119, at least se ven calendar days before the date set for the RFO hearing . The parties or counsel must discuss (in person or by telephone) at least t en calendar days hearing the topics identified below EXCEPT if both parties are self - represented and there is a current domestic violence or criminal protective order involving the parties . o What each party is asking for in this RFO and the reasons why . o Suggestions how to solve any dispute. o Issues and facts that parties agree on and those they do not agree on. (Parties shall bring a list of such agreements or a signed stipulation to the hearing .) o Whether a party wants the court (1) to hear party or witness testimony at the RFO hearing or (2) to decide the RFO on the cou rt papers only . If witnesses will testify, then discuss the availabilities for the date of the scheduled hearing and for the next 120 days thereafter . o Exchang ing financial or other key documents before the RFO hearing. o Whether a party (obtain additional information) before the RFO hearing. o Whether any third person needs to be included in the RFO proceeding. The parties or counsel must appear on the date now scheduled for the RFO hearing. The Court m ay proceed with the hearing that day or may schedule a future hearing date. WARNING : FAILURE TO FOLLOW THIS ORDER MAY RESULT IN THE COURT IMPOSING SANCTIONS AGAINST YOU UNDER CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE 247247 128.5, 177.5, FAMILY CODE 247 271 OR CALIFORNIA RUL E OF COURT 5.14. Date: THOMAS TRENT LEWIS, Supervising Family Law Judge - help center. Talk to a lawyer or a qualified document preparer. Get forms and self - help information at . American LegalNet, Inc.