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Court Order to Share Financi al Information (Family Law Case) FAM 111 (New 04/201 8) LASC Approved for Mandatory Use CCP 247247 128.5, 177.5, Family Code 247 271, Calif. Rule of Court 5.14 Ordered by Presiding Judge under Calif. Rule of Court 10.603(d) until a local rule is adopted. P age 1 of 2 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Stanley Mosk Courthouse Los Angeles, CA 90012 Branch N ame: Central For Court Use O n ly Case Name: Petitioner: Respondent: Case Number: Court Order to Share Finan cial Information for Divorce, Legal Separation, or Nullity Cases The court orders that b oth spouses in this case must : Comply with the duty to share financial information . The duty to share financial information includes exchanging financial statements , valuations, important facts, and access to records about all Current income and expenses, and Community and separate property assets and debts. You have a continuing duty to share material financial information , such as changes in income, until there i s a final agreement about all financial issues in your case . Duty to E x change Financial Information Both parties have a duty to disclose all material information. If you have greater access to certain information than the other spouse, you must provide such information to the other spouse . Preparing Disclosure Documents (PDD) Follow the instructions on Form FL - 140 for Preliminary Declaration of Disclosure ( PDD ) . File Form FL - 141 (Proof of Service) within 5 days of serving the PDD. Deadline s For Shar in g Financial Information The Petitioner has 60 days after filing the Petition to complete the PDD and have the other spouse served. The Respondent has 60 days after filing the Response to complete the PDD and have the other spouse served. Exception: You an d your spouse can extend the deadline if you agree in writing or get permission from the court. What information must be shared You must provide the other spouse all important information regarding the existence, characterization, and valuation of all co mmunity and separate property assets and debts. You must provide access to all information, records and books that pertain to the value and character of assets and debts in which the community has or may have an interest. You must disclose to the other sp ouse all assets and debt s in which the party may have an interest or obligation and disclose all current income and expenses. You must immediately update such information i f there are any material changes. The disclosure duty regarding assets and debts is a continuing duty until the parties or the court divide the asset or the debt . The disclosure duty regarding income continues until a valid enforceable and binding resolution of child or spousal support, and professional fees occurs. American LegalNet, Inc. Court Order to Share Financi al Information (Family Law Case) FAM 111 (New 04/201 8) LASC Approved for Mandatory Use CCP 247247 128.5, 177.5, Family Code 247 271, Calif. Rule of Court 5.14 Ordered by Presiding Judge under Calif. Rule of Court 10.603(d) until a local rule is adopted. P age 2 of 2 If y ou are asking fo r support or a ttorney f ees : Fill out all blanks on form FL - 150 (Income and Expense Declaration) with exact information. You must: Attach pay stubs for the last 2 months. Take copies of your la If you are asking for child custody or visitation orders, and d o not have a written parenting plan , y ou must: Do the 60 - program at www.lacourt. org . Go to all Family Court Services appointment(s). You must get there on time, or they will tell the court you disobeyed a court order. If anyone (besides a grandparent) says they have the right to custody or visitation to your child, you must add their name to your court papers. WARNING: FAILURE TO FOLLOW TH IS ORDER MAY RESULT IN THE COURT IMPOSING SANCTIONS AGAINST YOU UNDER CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE 247247 128.5, 177.5, FAMILY CODE 247 271 OR CALIFORNIA RULE OF COURT 5.14 . IT IS SO ORDERED. Date: THOMAS TRENT LEWIS, Supervising Family Law Judge ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Fo - help center. Talk to a lawyer or a qualified document preparer. Get form s and self - help information at . American LegalNet, Inc.