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LASC FAM 070 Rev. 0 5/19 For Mandatory Use P ag e 1 o f 4 HOME COURT FAMILY CODE SECTION 217 H EARING/TRIAL SE TTING CO N F E R E NCE ORD ERS The Court finds: This case is the following type of proceeding:Dissolution/legal separation/nullity.Parentage.Domestic Violence Prevention Act.Other: The procedural posture is:Pre-judgment.Partial final judgment entered/issues reserved.Post-judgment.For dissolution/legal separation/nullity proceedings:Any necessary pension plan has been joined using the Pleading on Joinder-Employees Benefit Plan,form FL-370 and service of the plan has been finalized.All necessary parties have been joined and have appeared or been defaulted.Both parties served a Preliminary Declaration of Disclosure, FL-141, as required by Family CodeSection 2104.Both parties completed and served a Final Declaration of Disclosure, as required by Family CodeSection 2105 or the parties have waived this requirement in writing, as required by Family CodeSection 2105(d), Stipulation and Waiver of Final Declaration of Disclosure, form FL-144. The disputed issues for the trial/hearing are: Parentage of one or more children.Custody and/or parenting time of a child.Child support.Characterization, division and/or confirmation of property or debt.Spousal support.Alternate valuation date.Validity of pre- or post-marital agreement.Attorneys222 fees and/or costs and/or sanctions.Other: . SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Reserved for Clerk222s File Stamp COUR T HOU S E A DDR ESS : PET I T I ON E R: R ESP OND E N T : HOME COURT FAMILY CODE SECTION 217 HEARING/TRIAL SETTING CONFERENCE ORDERS C AS E N U M B E R: D EPA R TM E N T : American LegalNet, Inc. LASC FAM 070 Rev. 0 5/19 For Mandatory Use P ag e 2 o f 4 HOME COURT FAMILY CODE SECTION 217 H EARING/TRIAL SE TTING CO N F E R E NCE ORD ERS D. For parentage proceedings: All necessary parties have been joined and have appeared or been defaulted. Parentage has previously been established by Voluntary Declaration of Paternity, AB 1058 court proceedings, Juvenile Dependency Court judgment or Agreement and Judgment of Parentage, form DV-180. Parentage is not disputed, and the parents have previously executed and filed Stipulation for Entry of Judgment Re: Establishment of Parental Relationship, form FL-240. Parentage is not disputed, and the Court has previously established that the parties are the parents of the child(ren) to the exclusion of all other persons. Child support disputes in this matter have been or should be assigned to the Central Civil West Courthouse pursuant to Los Angeles County Local Rule 5.24(a). The disputed issues for hearing/trial are: Parentage of one or more children. Custody and/or parenting time of a child. Child support. Attorneys222 fees and/or costs and/or sanctions are disputed Other: . E. Compliance with prior court orders, statutes and rules: The parties previously attended Conciliation Court/Family Court Service mediation. Not applicable. The parties previously completed the Our Children First program. Not applicable. The parties have timely filed and served a witness list. Exception/comment: . The parties have timely filed and served an exhibit list. Exception/comment: . The parties have timely filed and served a trial brief. Exception/comment: . The parties have complied with all other prior court orders except: . F. Hearing/Trial Readiness The parties announced 223ready224 for the hearing/trial. The following party asserts he or she is not 223ready224 for the hearing/trial: . The Court deems that [petitioner/and/respondent/or any joined party] [is/are] ready for trial because the party or parties have had more than adequate time to prepare and have not shown due diligence to justify any further delay. The parties represent that all discovery is complete. The [petitioner/and/respondent/or any joined party] have not completed discovery and have not agreed to a discovery cut-off other than as provided in the Code of Civil Procedure. The court has previously advised the parties that their failure to complete discovery in this case may not be good cause for a continuance of the hearing/trial. Preliminary good faith efforts to settle the disputed matters have been made. Yes. No. Petitioner intends to call non-party witnesses. Respondent intends to call non-party witnesses. Joined parties intend to call witnesses. The parties anticipate exhibits being offered into evidence. The Court finds that the hearing/trial estimate is hours. This estimate has been made in American LegalNet, Inc. LASC FAM 070 Rev. 0 5/19 For Mandatory Use P ag e 3 o f 4 HOME COURT FAMILY CODE SECTION 217 HEARING/TRIAL SE TTING CO N F E R E NCE ORDERS consultation with the parties. The Court notes the following additional information concerning hearing/trial readiness: . G.BASED UPON THE FOREGOING, THE COURT ORDERS AS FOLLOWS: Hearing or Trial in the Home Court The matter is set for trial/hearing in this department on at 8:30 a.m. and shall go day today until completed or until further order of the Court. The parties, and counsel if any, are ordered toso appear. The Court waives a Final Status Conference and a Trial Readiness Conference. The parties are ordered to appear in Department 2, Room 215, immediately to obtain a MandatorySettlement Conference date. The parties are admonished to comply with Los Angeles County LocalRule 5.14(a) and (b). The parties222 expert forensic accountants, if any, are to meet and confer to identifyagreed upon and contested issues and are to prepare a joint statement and/or 223side by side224 analysiswhich shall be attached as an exhibit to the required Mandatory Settlement Conference brief. The Court waives the requirement of a Mandatory Settlement Conference. The parties222 expert forensicaccountants, if any, are to meet and confer to identify agreed upon and contested issues and are toprepare a joint statement and/or 223side by side224 analysis which shall be filed with the Court at least 7calendar days before the Family Code Section 217 hearing or trial. If not previously done, the parties are ordered to exchange all non-impeachment exhibits to be offeredat trial at least 10 calendar days before the earlier of the Mandatory Settlement Conference (if any) orthe trial/hearing date. The parties are ordered to meet and confer at least 5 days before the trial/hearing date to discuss thefollowing potential stipulations concerning exhibits: (1) which exhibits may be admitted at thecommencement of the hearing or trial; (2) which exhibits are agreed to be authentic (see EvidenceCode Section 1400 et seq.); and (3) for any exhibit that a party contends is a 223business record224, whetherthe exhibit meets the conditions set forth in Evidence Code Section 1271(a)-(d). The parties shall beprepared to lodge a recordation of their stipulations at the commencement of the 217 hearing or trial. The Court has made or, after consideration, has declined to make interim orders concerning thesubject(s) of the pending trial/hearing. Hearing or Trial to Be Assigned From Department 2 The parties and trial counsel are ordered to appear immediately in Department 2, Room 215, to obtaina trial/hearing date and, if ordered, a Mandatory Settlement Conference and Trial ReadinessConference date. The Court has made or, after consideration, has declined to make interim orders pending thetrial/hearing. American LegalNet, Inc. LASC FAM 070 Rev. 0 5/19 For Mandatory Use P ag e 4 o f 4 HOME COURT FAMILY CODE SECTION 217 HEARING/TRIAL SE TTING CO N F E R E NCE ORDERS Department 2 shall make further trial readiness and pretrial orders. The parties are referred to the Self-Help Center in this courthouse for assistance in complying with any of these orders. FAILURE TO OBEY THESE ORDERS MAY RESULT IN THE COURT IMPOSING SANCTIONS AGAINST YOU UNDER CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE 247247 128, 177.5, FAMILY CODE 247 271, OR CALIFORNIA RULE OF COURT 5.14. SO ORDERED. Date: Judge of the Superior Court For questions, help, or forms205. Visit your local court222s self-help center. Talk to a lawyer or a qualified document preparer. Get forms and