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en-USATTORNEY FOR PARTY (Name, state bar number and address)en-USTELEPHONE NO:en-USFAX NO: (Optional)en-USE-MAIL: (Optional)en-USATTORNEY FOR: (Name)en-USFOR COURT USE ONLYen-USSUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELESen-USEDMUND D. EDELMAN CHILDREN224S COURTHOUSEen-US201 CENTRE PLAZA DRIVEen-USMONTEREY PARK, CALIFORNIA 91754en-USJUVENILE DEPENDENCY, DEPARTMENT en-USIN THE MATTER OF: en-USORDER APPOINTING EXPERT - 730ECen-USCASE NUMBER:en-USTO:en-USAPPOINTMENT IS PURSUANTen-USTO EVIDENCE CODE 247730 TOen-USEXAMINE THE FOLLOWINGen-USPERSONS / RELATIONSHIPen-US1. / en-US2. / en-US3. / en-US4. / en-US5. / en-US6. / en-USYou are ordered to address the issue set forth in this Order. The original copy of your report is due in Department en-USNO LATER THAN THREE COURT DAYS prior to the next court hearing; which is: . Please notify en-USthe clerk of this court or the CSW if you encounter any problems. DCFS shall forward a copy of the petition and all relevant en-USen-USCSW is: en-USYou are further ordered to provide a copy of the completed report to the CSW named above. If you are unable to meet this deadline en-USor have any other questions please contact this Court immediately. Your fee for the appointment is not to exceed the standard $500 en-USper person. Fees for testimony shall not exceed $250 per half day or $400 per full day. Problems of particular concern to the Court are:en-US Likelihood that child(ren) will be physically / emtionally abused by a parent and/or member of the household?en-US Likelihood that child(ren) will be sexually abused by parent and / or member of the household?en-USen-US Relationship between and child(ren) conerning en-US en-US en-US Psychological testing of should be performed to determine the following:en-US en-US en-US Neurological testing of should be preformed to determine the following:en-US en-US en-US Special Education testing of should be performed to determine the following: en-US en-US en-US Prior testing done by: en-US Your recommendation for placement/physical custody of minor(s).en-US What special type of structure needs to be present in minors222 placement?en-US Your recommendation regarding visitation with minors by en-US en-USen-US en-US Paternity Issues: en-US en-US Your recommendation for therapy, if any.en-US Other Concerns: en-US en-US en-US en-US en-US 014 (Rev. 08/18) American LegalNet, Inc.