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Power Of Attorney General (Includes Durable Power Of Attorney) (Los Angeles) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Los Angeles Local County.
Tags: Power Of Attorney General (Includes Durable Power Of Attorney) (Los Angeles), California Local County, Los Angeles
RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO STREET ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP _____________________________________________________ SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE POWER OF ATTORNEY � GENERAL [includes optional DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY] KNOW ALL PERSON BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, ________________________________________ the undersigned (jointly or severally, if more than one) hereby make, constitute and appoint _____________________________________________________________________________________________ my true and lawful Attorney for me and in my name, place and stead and for may use and benefit: (a) To ask, demand, sue for, recover, collect and receive each and every sum of money, debt, account, legacy, bequest interest, dividend, annuity and demand (which now is or hereafter shall became due, owing or payable) belonging to or claimed by me, and to use and take any lawful means for the recovery thereof by legal process or otherwise, and to execute and deliver a satisfaction or release therefore, together with the right and power to compromise or compound any claim or demand; (b) To exercise any or all of the following powers as to real property, any interest therein and/or any building Thereon: To contract for , purchase, receive and take possession thereof and of evidence of title thereto; to lease the same for any term or purpose, including leases for business, residence, and oil and/or mineral development; to sell, exchange, grant or convey the same with or without warranty; and to mortgage, transfer in trust, or otherwise encumber or hypothecate the same to secure payment of a negotiable or non-negotiable note or performance of any obligation or agreement. (c) To exercise any of all of the following powers as to all kinds of personal property and goods, wares and merchandise, choses in action and other property in possession or in action: To contract for, buy, sell, exchange, transfer and in any legal manner deal in and with the same, and to mortgage, transfer in trust, or otherwise encumber or hypothecate the same to secure payment of a negotiable or non-negotiable note or performance of any obligation or agreement. (d) To borrow money and to execute and deliver negotiable or non-negotiable notes therefore with or without security; and to loan money and receive negotiable or non-negotiable note or performance notes there for with such security as he/she shall deem proper; (e) To create, amend, supplement and terminate any trust and to instruct and advise the trustee of any trust wherein I am or may be trustor or beneficiary; to represent and vote stock, exercise stock rights, accept and deal with any dividend, distribution or bonus, join in any corporate financing, reorganization, merger, liquidation, consolidation or other action and the extension, compromise, conversion, adjustment, enforcement or foreclosure, singly or in conjunction or other action and the extension, compromise, conversion, adjustment, enforcement or foreclosure, singly or in conjunction with others of any corporate stock, bond, by or to me and to give or accept any property and/or money whether or not equal to or less in value than the amount owing in payment, settlement or satisfaction thereof; Page 1 0f 3 THIS FORM IS NOT VALID FOR HEALTH CARE DECISIONS. Before you use this form, fill in all blanks, and make whatever changes are appropriate and necessary to your particular Transaction. Consult a lawyer if you doubt the form's fitness for your purpose and use. County makes no representation or warranty, express or implied, with respect to the merchantability or fitness of this form for an intended use or purpose. 1400 � Rev. 2-01 (price class 2c) POWER OF ATTORNEY � GENERAL (includes optional DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY) American LegalNet, Inc. (f) To transact business of any kind or class as my act and deed to sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver any deed, lease, assignment of lease, covenant, indenture, indemnity, agreement, mortgage, deed of trust, assignment of mortgage or of the beneficial interest under deed of trust, extension or renewal of any obligation, subordination or waiver of priority, hypothecation, bottomry, charter-party, bill of lading, bill of sale, bill, bond, note, whether negotiable or non-negotiable, receipt, evidence of debt, full or partial release or satisfaction of mortgage, judgment and other debt, request for partial or full reconveyance of deed of trust and such other instruments in writing or any kind or class as may be necessary or proper in the premises. (g) To [Strike if not applicable.] This Power of Attorney shall not be affected by subsequent incapacity of the principal [and shall remain effective for a period of ___________________________________________ years after the disability or incapacity occur ]. (h) [Strike if not applicable.] This Power of Attorney shall become effective upon the incapacity of the principal [and shall remain effective for a period of ___________________________________________ years after the disability or incapacity occurs]. (i) If (g) and/or (h) are not stricken, the Notice of Persons Executing Durable Power of Attorney applies. NOTICE TO PERSON EXECUTING DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY A durable power of attorney is an important legal document. By signing the durable power of attorney, you are authorizing another person to act for you, the principal. Before you sign this durable power of attorney, you should know these important facts: Your agent (attorney-in-fact) has no duty to act unless you and your agent agree otherwise in writing. This document gives your agent the powers to manage, dispose of, sell, and convey your real and personal property, and to use your property as security if your agent borrows money on your behalf. This document does not give your agent the power to accept or receive any of your property, in trust or otherwise, as a gift, unless you specifically authorize the agent to accept or receive a gift. Your agent will have the right to receive reasonable payment for services provided under this durable power of attorney unless you provide otherwise in this power of attorney. The powers you give your agent will continue to exist for your entire lifetime, unless you state that the durable power of attorney will last for a shorter period of time or unless you otherwise terminate the durable power of attorney. The powers you give your agent in this durable power of attorney will continue