Application And Order For Transfer (Small Claims)
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Application And Order For Transfer (Small Claims) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Los Angeles Local County.
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Tags: Application And Order For Transfer (Small Claims), SCLA014, California Local County, Los Angeles
NAME, ADDRESS, AND TELEPHONE NUMBER OF PARTY: RESERVED FOR CLERK'S FILE STAMP SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES COURTHOUSE ADDRESS: PLAINTIFF: DEFENDANT: APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR TRANSFER (SMALL CLAIMS) TO THE CLERK OF THE ABOVE-NAMED COURT: The small claims case is currently set as follows: Date: Time: 1. a.m. p.m. Department: CASE NUMBER: Room: Defendant(s): ________________________________________________________________ applies for an order under the provisions of Section 116.390 of the Code of Civil Procedure to transfer the above-entitled matter to the court named below. The defendant has commenced a civil lawsuit against the plaintiff as follows: Department: _________________________________________________________________ Case Number: ______________________________________________________________ Date of Filing: _______________________________________________________________ 2. 3. A true copy of the complaint is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Important Notice: The defendant understands that unless he/she is otherwise notified by the court, that he/she must appear in the small claims court for the date and time the case has been scheduled. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is true and correct. ____________________ Date __________________________ Type or Printed Name _____________________________________ Signature of Defendant or Defendant's Attorney ORDER Pursuant to the Code of Civil Procedure section 116.390(c), it is ordered that the small claims case be transferred to the following court: Department: ____________ Date: _______________ Courthouse: _________________ District: _______________ Signature: _____________________________________________ Judicial Officer SCLA 014 (New) LASC Approved 08/08 APPLICATION AND ORDER FOR TRANSFER (SMALL CLAIMS) Code Civ. Proc., § 116.390 American LegalNet, Inc.