Declaration And Order Re Lost Writ
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Declaration And Order Re Lost Writ Form. This is a California form and can be use in Los Angeles Local County.
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Tags: Declaration And Order Re Lost Writ, CIV M 590, California Local County, Los Angeles
NAME AND ADDRESS OF ATTORNEY (OR DEFENDANT WITHOUT ATTORNEY) TELEPHONE FOR COURT USE ONLY BAR NO.: ATTORNEY FOR Name of court, branch judicial district mailing and street address PLAINTIFF DEFENDANT DECLARATION AND ORDER RE LOST WRIT I am the plaintiff/plaintiff's attorney of record in CASE NUMBER the above-entitled action. On , , a Writ of Execution was issued by the Clerk of the Court for this action. The writ was Issued in favor of plaintiff(s) and against defendant(s). The Writ of Execution has become lost. I ( ) have ( ) have not delivered the writ to the Marshall/Sheriff for levy. I have conducted a diligent search for the writ as follows: ( ( ( ) I have searched my own records and files for the writ; ) I have asked the Marshall/Sheriff to locate the writ; ) I have asked the Clerk of the Court to locate the writ. Neither I, nor any of the above persons have been able to locate the writ, and I am asking the court to authorize the clerk to Issue a new Writ of Execution. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed at , California, on , . Type or print name Signature ORDER IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the writ issued on deemed lost and that the Clerk of the Court DATED: DIVISION/DEPARTMENT: JUDGE/COMMISSIONER By: CIV M 590 2001 © American LegalNet, Inc. may issue a new Writ , of , be Execution.