Declaration Re Notice Of Ex Parte Application For Orders
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Declaration Re Notice Of Ex Parte Application For Orders Form. This is a California form and can be use in Marin Local County.
Tags: Declaration Re Notice Of Ex Parte Application For Orders, FL048, California Local County, Marin
FL048 (Rev. 10/31/13) DECLARATION REGARDING NOTICE OF EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR ORDERS Page 1 of 2 AND/OR ORDER SHORTENING TIME - Family Law ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, address and telephone #): STATE BAR NO: ATTORNEY FOR (Name) : FOR COURT USE ONLY MARIN COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT 3501 Civic Center Drive P.O. Box 4988 San Rafael, CA 94913- 4988 PETITIONER: RESPONDENT: DECLARATION REGARDING NOTICE OF EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR ORDERS AND/OR ORDER SHORTENING TIME (Family Law) CASE NUMBER: 1. I am the attorney for petitioner respondent 1) The person to whom I spoke was: 2) The voicemail message left said: b. In writing on // at a.m. / p.m. and delivered using the 3. I received the following response to said notice: American LegalNet, Inc. FL048 (Rev. 10/31/13) DECLARATION REGARDING NOTICE OF EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR ORDERS Page 2 of 2 AND/OR ORDER SHORTENING TIME - Family Law 4. I did not give notice of the present application for the following reason(s) indicated: a. Notice of this ex parte application would frustrate the purpose of the orders sought herein. b. The applicant would suffer immediate and irreparable harm before the adverse party could be heard in opposition. c. No significant direct burden or inconvenience to the adverse party will be likely to result from the order sought herein. d. Prior attempts to give notice have failed and would probably be futile or unduly burdensome. e. Other: 5. If a custody, visitation or residence exclusion matter, explain why an order shortening time in lieu of an ex parte order will not suffice: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of California that the foregoing is true and correct. DATE SIGNATURE PRINT NAME American LegalNet, Inc.