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MENDOCINO COUNTY SHERIFF'S CIVIL DEPARTMENT 951 LOW GAP ROAD, UKIAH CA 95482 707-463-4411 TRO/ RESTRAINING ORDER SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS WE NEED TWO COMPLETE COPIES OF EVERYTHING YOU WANT SERVED If you do not have an address we cannot serve your papers! To the Sheriff of Mendocino County, you are instructed to serve the attached papers as indicated below: Type of papers for service: * Domestic Violence Civil Harassment Elder Abuse Workplace Violence Yes No *Date of Hearing________________ Is the an order shortening time *A complete first and last name must be provided, spelling must be exact. We cannot look up or verify names. _________________________________________________________________________________________ *Physical Description:Fill out info below Male Female Date of Birth____________ Age______ Height______ Weight______ Hair Color_________ Eye Color____________Race_________ Facial Hair_____________ Tattoo(s)_____________________________________________________________________ *Vehicle Description______________________________ ____License Plate__________________________ **Address for service: A complete address MUST be provided. Spelling must be exact. We cannot verify addresses or locate individuals. If you do not submit address, we can not serve paperwork.** *Home or Service Address:___________________________________________________________________ *Business Name, Address & Schedule:__________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ *Threat of Firearms: Check all boxes below that apply to the person being served: The person owns firearms (Check type and enter Number of each owned) Handguns _________ Long Guns (rifles and shotguns)_____ Other_______ This person has firearms in their home. Location of where firearms are stored:____________________________________ *Protected Party Information: All information below*** REQUIRED** Protected Party Name:_______________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address:____________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone:__________________________________Cell Phone:___________________________________ ***Signed_______________________________________________________ Date______________________ Instructions must be signed by the protected party listed on order, or protected persons attorney of record. (CCP 262) ***We do not guarantee service or serve on demand*** IF THERE IS ANY OTHER INFORMATION WE SHOULD HAVE TO PROTECT OUR DEPUTIES OR MAKE SERVICE EASIER PLEASE CHECK OVER AND WRITE American LegalNet, Inc. INFORMATION ON THE BACK OVER