Request For Waiver Or Deferment Of Court Investigator Fees (Probate)
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Request For Waiver Or Deferment Of Court Investigator Fees (Probate) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Mendocino Local County.
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Tags: Request For Waiver Or Deferment Of Court Investigator Fees (Probate), California Local County, Mendocino
Requestor's Name, Address and Phone number Superior Court of California County of Mendocino In the Matter of the Conservatorship of: ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No: SCUKCVPGRequest for Waiver or Deferment of Court Investigator Fees CONFIDENTIAL Conservatee. I am the conservator of the person and/or estate in the above entitled case. I would like to request a waiver or deferment of the Court Investigator fees in this matter. The payment of the fees would be a hardship. A waiver or deferment is requested based on the following information about the conservatee's assets: 1. The conservatee is is not receiving Medi-Cal benefits. . . 2. The conservatee's monthly income is $ 3. The conservatee's liquid assets are currently valued at $ 4. The conservatee 5. The conservatee owns is does not own any interest in real property. is not the beneficiary of a trust. . The conservatee's financial interest is valued at $ I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing information is correct and true. Dated: Signature: Printed Name: American LegalNet, Inc.