Request To Calendar Case-Juvenile
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Request To Calendar Case-Juvenile Form. This is a California form and can be use in Mendocino Local County.
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Tags: Request To Calendar Case-Juvenile, MJV-190, California Local County, Mendocino
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF MENDOCINO Ukiah 100 North State St Ukiah, CA 95482. Ten Mile 700 South Franklin St. Ft. Bragg, CA 95437 FOR COURT USE ONLY In the matter of: a minor REQUEST TO CALENDAR CASE Juvenile Delinquency CASE NUMBER: Dependency I County Counsel / District Attorney / Juvenile Probation Officer / / , Attorney for , request that the above entitled Other: Parent/Legal Guardian of minor / Social Worker / juvenile matter be placed on calendar as follows: Calendar Date: Time: a.m. p.m. Dep't.: (Pursuant to Local Rule 16.2 the requested calendar date is at least 48 hours after the date this Request to Calendar Case will be filed with the court; a Proof of Service is attached.) For the following reasons: 1. a. b. To recall A juvenile bench warrant (Delinquency) Juvenile custody warrant that was issued on: (Dependency) It is understood that the warrant shall remain active until the minor appears in court on the above requested date and time and/or until the Court orders that the warrant be recalled. 2. a. b. To request a continuance of the hearing currently set on: at The matter is requested to be continued to Other: a.m. p.m. I have attached the required Declaration and/or Points and Authorities showing good cause for the requested continuance. 3. To request a hearing regarding my financial obligations. 4. Other: Dated: Signature of Requesting Party REQUEST TO CALENDAR CASE JUVENILE MJV-190 (new 070814) American LegalNet, Inc.