Restraining Order Prior Cases Verification
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Restraining Order Prior Cases Verification Form. This is a California form and can be use in Monterey Local County.
Tags: Restraining Order Prior Cases Verification, Clerk-110DV, California Local County, Monterey
Domestic Violence or Harassment Restraining Order Information Sheet
Case Title: ____________________ v. ____________________ Case Number: DVH ___________
Restraining Order – Prior Cases Verification
In order for the Court to review properly your restraining order request, you must provide information
on any prior case(s) before the Court will commence action on your request. If you are aware of or
believe that there may be prior filings on your behalf or on behalf of the person you are trying to have
restrained, please list each case on this form and submit this completed form to the clerk at the time
you present your request for a restraining order. If there are no prior filings of any type to your
knowledge, please put a check mark in the box after “No Cases Found” below. Place the current date
on the form and sign the form below.
The records index for this county is located on the second floor of the Clerk’s Office in Monterey and
on the third floor of the Clerk’s Office in Salinas.
Cases in which you (petitioner) were a party: Example of type of cases include: Divorce, paternity,
child support, criminal domestic violence. Include cases in this county or any other county or state.
Case Number:
Case Title:
Type of Case:
No Cases Found
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true
and correct.
Date: _______________________
Type or Print Name
Clerk-110DV (Revised July 2008)
American LegalNet, Inc.