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Order Appointing Special Master (Attachment I) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Monterey Local County.
Tags: Order Appointing Special Master (Attachment I), California Local County, Monterey
Marriage of Petitioner:
Case No.
Good cause appearing thereof, pursuant to the stipulation of the parties,
Appointment of Special Master.
1. ___________________________ is appointed Special Master, to serve until his/her
resignation or written agreement of the parties, further court order, or _______________,
whichever first occurs.
Powers of Special Master.
Level One. Subject to the stipulation of the parties (if indicated on Exhibit 1), the
Special Master has the authority to make decisions regarding the issues set forth on Exhibit 1
and such decisions are effective as orders when made and will continue in effect unless
modified or set aside by a court of competent jurisdiction. Special Master decision on these
matters shall be communicated to parties/counsel in person, by telephone, mail, fax, and/or
personal delivery and will take effect immediately.
If the parties do no stipulate to the Special Master’s authority to make decisions about the
matters listed on Exhibit 1, those matters shall be subject to the Special Master’s authority to
make recommendations in accordance with Paragraph 3 of this order.
3. Level Two. The Special Master has the authority to make recommendations on the
issues set forth on Exhibit 2, which recommendations shall be submitted to the court, which may
approve them and enter them as court orders.
Special Master recommendation on these matters shall be served on the Court/parties
and counsel by mail, fax or personal delivery. The Special Master recommendations shall be
subject to adoption by the Court as an order unless either party files and serves a motion
objecting to entry of the order within 15 days of services of the recommendations. Either party
January 1, 2006
American LegalNet, Inc.
shall have the right to request a written explanation from the Special Master of any
recommendation, which shall be proved within 20 calendar days to both parties, counsel and
the court.
4. Level Three. The Special Master shall not make any recommendations which alter a
child’s primary residence, alter an award of physical custody, alter an award of legal custody,
prohibits a party’s contact with his/her children, or require or prohibit adherence to a religion.
These decisions and other relating to issues not included among those assigned to the Special
Master in Exhibits 1 and 2 of this order are reserved to the Monterey County Superior Court for
adjudication, and may be presented to the court by either party or upon the recommendation of
the Special Master without a recommendation as to outcome.
Communications with the Special Master.
Both parties shall cooperate with the Special Master and shall be present when so
requested by the Special Master. The Special Master may initiate contacts with the parties or
counsel which are informal in nature, by telephone or in person. The Special Master has the
authority to decide when and if to meet with the parties and to determine the protocol of all
meetings including the power to determine who attends such meetings.
The parties and their attorneys may communicate ex parte with the Special Master,
subject to reasonable limitations imposed by the Special Master. Any party may write to the
Special Master, provided that copies are provided to the opposing party simultaneously and
subject to reasonable limitations imposed by the Special Master. Counsel may initiate contact
in writing with the Special Master, provided copies are provided to opposing counsel
The Special Master may communicate ex parte with the judge, at the discretion of
the Special Master and the judge. Such communications shall be made only after giving notice
to both parties; provided, however, that notice may be excused if notice would frustrate the very
purpose of the communication. If the Special Master communicates with the judge without
having given notice, (s)he shall notify the judge of that fact and his/her reasons for not giving
Counsel or parties in pro per shall serve the Special Master with all pleadings and
discovery relating to non-financial issues concerning the child(ren).
With the agreement of the parties and counsel, or upon court order, the Special
Master may utilize consultants and/or assistants as necessary to assist the Special Master in
the performance of the duties contained herein.
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American LegalNet, Inc.
The Special Master may request the appointment of a co-Special Master where
issues arise which require the expertise of someone other than the Special Master. The powers
of the co-Special Master shall be set forth in the order appointing the co-Special Master.
11. The parties shall sign all requested releases, including the release attached to this
Order as Exhibit 3 and shall forthwith provide all relevant and reasonable records,
documentation, and information requested by the Special Master.
12. No physician-patient or therapist-patient relationship and/or privilege between either
party, the minor child(ren) and the Special Master is created by this order.
13. The Special Master’s fees is $_______________ per hour.
Time spent in
interviewing, report preparation, review of records and correspondence, telephone conversation,
travel, court preparation and any other time spent in connection with serving as Special Master
will be billed at the same hourly rate.
The Special Master’s fee for Court appearances is
$________________, per hour, including travel time to and from his/her office and waiting time.
The Special Master may require an advance deposit in an amount to be agreed upon by him/her
and the parties, subject to replenishment upon becoming diminished.
14. The Special Master shall be reimbursed for any reasonable expenses he/she incurs
in association with his/her role as Special Master. These costs may include, but are not limited
to the following: photocopies, messenger service, long distance telephone charges, postage,
express and/or certified mail costs and excess postage to foreign countries, parking, tolls,
mileage, other travel expenses and word processing. At the Special Master’s discretion, fees
for consultants or assistants agreed to ordered shall be paid directly to the provider or
reimbursed to the Special Master.
15. Except as otherwise provided below, the fees of the Special Master shall be shared
by the parties in the following manner: Father shall pay ______% of the Special Master’s fees,
expenses and advance deposit, and Mother shall pay ____ _% of the Special Master’s fees,
expenses and advance deposit.
16. The Special Master shall have the right to allocate payment of his/her fees at a
percentage difference from the above if he/she believes the need for his/her services is
attributable to conduct and/or intransigence of one party.
In the event that either party fails to provide twenty four (24) hours’ notice of
cancellation of any appointment with the Special Master, such party shall pay all of the Special
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Master’s charges for such missed appointment at the full hourly rate, at the discretion of the
Special Master.
18. Once appointed, the Special Master shall have the right to withdraw upon written
notice to the Court and parties, with or without a stated reason.
19. The Special Master may be disqualified on any of the grounds applicable to the
removal of a judge, referee or arbitrator, upon motion by either party or by the court on its own
20. Neither party may initiate court proceedings for the removal of the Special Master or
to bring to the attention of the court or any other body any grievances regarding the
performance or actions of the Special Master without meeting and conferring with the Special
Master in an effort to resolve the grievance.
Attorney for Mother
Special Master
Attorney for Father
Judge of the Superior Court
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American LegalNet, Inc.
EXHIBIT 1 Level One Powers
1. Dates and times of pick-up and delivery
2. Sharing of parent vacations and holidays
3. Method of pick-up and delivery
4. Transportation to and from visitation
5. Selection of child care/daycare and baby sitting
6. Bedtime
7. Diet
8. Clothing
9. Recreation
10. After school and enrichment activities
11. Discipline
12. Health care management
13. Alterations in schedule which do not substantially alter the basic time share agreement
14. Participation in visitation (significant others, relatives, etc.)
15. In the case of infants and toddlers, increasing time share when developmentally
16. Other daily routines
17. Participation in alcohol and drug monitoring or testing, including selection of monitors or
18. Other: ____________________________________________
We agree that the Special Master may make binding decisions on the above matters.
_____ _____
Initials Initials
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American LegalNet, Inc.
EXHIBIT 2 Level 2 Powers
1. Private school education and school placement
2. Scheduling of church attendance and religious classes
3. Large changes in vacation and holiday timeshares
4. Supervision of visitation
5. Timeshare changes not altering the child’s primary residence
6. Appointment of counsel for children
7. Participation in adjunct health services including physical and psychological
examinations, assessments and psychotherapy, including selection of providers.
We, the undersigned, specifically authorize any public agency, private person, physician,
psychologist, treating therapist, drug and/or alcohol treatment program, hospital, law
enforcement agency, teacher, counselor or child care provider possessing information about
each of us or our minor children, confidential or otherwise, to release this information, including
copies of all relevant documents, to ________________________, Special Master. We
consent that interviews may take place at the children’s schools if deemed appropriate by the
Special Master. We understand this information will be used as the Special Master may deem
fit and proper. This release shall remain valid until _____________________, (date). We
understand that we are entitled to a copy of this release of information form.
Signature & Date
Print Name
Date of Birth
Social Security Number
Signature & Date
Print Name
Date of Birth
Social Security Number
____________________________________ Date of Birth: _________________
____________________________________ Date of Birth: _________________
January 1, 2006
American LegalNet, Inc.