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Order Of Dismissal Form. This is a California form and can be use in Napa Local County.
Tags: Order Of Dismissal, California Local County, Napa
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF NAPA People of the State of California Plaintiff vs. ___________________________, Defendant Case No. _______________ Order Of Dismissal (PC1203.4 or PC1203.4a) The Court has considered the Petition and supplemental information provided. It appears that the defendant has either fulfilled the conditions of probation granted herein, or if not granted probation, at least one year has elapsed from date of pronouncement of judgment and the defendant has fully complied with and performed the sentence of the Court. It further appears that the defendant is not on probation for, or serving a sentence for, or charged with the commission of, any other offense, and if not granted probation, the defendant has, since the pronouncement of judgment, lived an honest and upright life and has conformed to and obeyed all laws. the court reduces the felony GOOD CAUSE APPEARING, IT IS ORDERED that offense to a misdemeanor; the plea of "guilty" or "no contest" is withdrawn and a plea of "not guilty" is entered, or the verdict of "guilty" is set aside, and the accusation or information is dismissed pursuant to Penal Code section 1203.4 or 1203.4a. This order does not release the defendant from any suspension or revocation of his/her privilege to drive as provided in Vehicle Code Section 13555, and it does not prevent this matter from being pleaded and proven as a prior conviction in any subsequent prosecution against him/her for any other offense. If previously granted probation, this order does not relieve the defendant of the obligation to disclose the conviction in response to any direct question contained in any questionnaire or application for public office, for licensure by any state or local agency, or for contracting with the California State Lottery, and it does not permit the defendant to own, possess, or have in his/her custody or control, any firearm capable of being concealed upon the person, or prevent his/her conviction under Penal Code Section 12021. If not previously granted probation, this order does not prevent the defendant's conviction under Penal Code section 12021.1. Dated: __________________ Approved as to Form and Content: Dated: __________________ _____________________________ Judge of the Superior Court _____________________________ Probation Officer _____________________________ District Attorney Dated: __________________ Order for Dismissal(7/08) (PC 1203.4, 1203.4a) American LegalNet, Inc.