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Order Appointing Child Custody Evaluator Form. This is a California form and can be use in Nevada County Truckee Local County.
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Tags: Order Appointing Child Custody Evaluator, FL15, California Local County, Nevada County Truckee
Superior Court of California, County of Nevada
201 Church Street, Suite 5
Nevada City, CA 95959
Court Number
Court Orders
1. Pursuant to Family Code §3110 and Evidence Code §730 ______________________
Petitioner Agrees
is appointed to do an evaluation.
Respondent Agrees
2. The full evaluation shall be a comprehensive examination of the health, safety, and
Court Orders
Petitioner Agrees
welfare and best interest of the child. It will include recommendations regarding legal
Respondent Agrees
and physical custody and terms and conditions of visitations. It could involve
psychological testing and interviews with collateral contacts.
Court Orders
3. The focused evaluation will consist of one or more appointments with each party,
Petitioner Agrees
one or more sessions with the child(ren), conjoint sessions with each party and the
Respondent Agrees
child(ren) if the evaluator perceives these sessions to be in the child(ren)’s best interest
and collateral records review and interviews as necessary in the evaluator’s judgment.
The focused evaluation is an examination of the health, safety, and welfare and
the best interests of the child(ren), specifically focusing on the following areas:
Terms of Visitation
Request to Move Away
School Related Issues
Special Needs of the Child (ren)
Substance Abuse
Domestic Violence
Mental Health/Emotional Health Issues
Sibling Issues
Relationship Issues
Court Orders
4a. The parties are to equally share the costs of the evaluation.
Petitioner Agrees
by the Court at a later date.
Respondent Agrees
Subject to reallocation
Court Orders
4b. The Petitioner is to pay _________________% of the evaluator’s fees.
Petitioner Agrees
The Respondent is to pay _________________% of the evaluator’s fees.
Respondent Agrees
Court Orders
Petitioner Agrees
Respondent Agrees
5. The parties are ordered to make reasonable efforts to facilitate the evaluation
process, including scheduling of appointment(s) and paying fees. Parties are to contact
the evaluator by ___________________. The evaluator is ordered to notify the court
in the event that either party delays the evaluation as a result of an unexcused failure to
schedule and/or keep appointments with the evaluator, or otherwise causes
unnecessary or unreasonable delays in the evaluation process.
LOCAL FL15 (Effective 1/1/08)
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American LegalNet, Inc.
Court Orders
6. The evaluation may be received and is agreed to be competent evidence, subject to the
Petitioner Agrees
right of either party to call the evaluator as a witness at their own expense.
Respondent Agrees
Court Orders
7. The evaluator may communicate with the child (ren)’s therapist without revealing the
Petitioner Agrees
specifics of the communication as to protect the child (ren)’s confidential relationship
Respondent Agrees
with their therapist.
Court Orders
8. The report shall be filed with the court no later than ____________________.
Petitioner Agrees
Respondent Agrees
9. Status Conference is set on _______________ at 9:30 a.m. in Dept. III. Prior to said
date of the Status Conference, set below, the parties are to return to mediation after
their receipt of the evaluation to attempt to resolve any remaining issues of the
parenting plan.
10. Pursuant to Family Code §216(b) ex parte communication between minor’s counsel,
mediator, and/or the evaluator is expressly permitted.
11. Pursuant to Family Code §3111(b) the Custody Evaluation Report is a confidential
document and may not be copied or disseminated, in whole or in part, to non-parties or
other individuals without prior court order pursuant to Welfare & Institutions Code
§827. A violation of this provision shall subject the offender to the imposition of
sanctions and/or contempt.
Name: ____________________________ Name: ______________________________
Address: ___________________________Address: ____________________________
__________________________________ ____________________________________
Phone: ____________________________ Phone: ______________________________
Represented by: _____________________Represented by: _______________________
Children, Age: ______________________
Represented by:_____________________
DATE: _______________________
cc: Evaluator
Revised 03/22/07
LOCAL FL15 (Effective 1/1/08)
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American LegalNet, Inc.