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L - 0 759 Page 1 of 4 Form Adopted for Optional Use L - 0 759 [ Revised June 13 , 201 9 ] DECLARATION OF DUE DILIGENCE AND REQUEST TO DISPENSE WITH NOTICE Probate Code 247 247 151 1 ; 1822; 8 100 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY : STATE BAR NO.: NAME: FIRM NAME: STREET ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP CODE: TELEPHONE NO.: FAX NO. : E - MAIL ADDRESS: ATTORNEY FOR (name): FOR COURT USE ONLY SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE CENTRAL JUSTICE CENTER 700 Civic Center Drive West Santa Ana, CA 92701 - 4045 IN THE MATTER OF (Name): CASE NUMBER: DECLARATION OF DUE DILIGENCE AND REQUEST TO DISPENSE WITH NOTICE HEARING DATE: DEPT. : TIME : NOTE: Please complete Section A if you are unable to determine the name of the person to whom you are required to give notice, and/or Section B if you know the name of the person to whom you are required to give notice , but their location is unknown . I , (name) , declare as follows: I am a Petitioner in this action . A . I have been unable to determine the name of the (relationship) of the ( check one ) Minor(s) Conservatee Decedent. I have attempted to determine the name of this person as follows: I ask the c ourt to dispense with notice to this person. B . I have been unable to locate the whereabouts of , the (relationship) of the ( check one ) Minor(s) Conservatee Decedent. address is: I and/or someone else (name) last had contact with this person (details) American LegalNet, Inc. L - 0 759 [ Revised June 13 , 201 9 ] DECLARATION OF DUE DILIGENCE AND REQUEST TO DISPENSE WITH NOTICE Page 2 of 4 I a ttempted to reach him/her at their last know n address or telephone number. When: How: Result: I s earched Internet search engines (such as Bing, Google, and Yahoo , or other search engines ). Website Name: Result: Website Name: Result: Website Name: Result: I searched social media websites (such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter , or other websites ). Website Name: Result: Website Name: Result: Website Name: Result: I c ontacted his/her last known place of employment. Employer: Date(s) employed there: Result: I was unable to contact his/her last known place of employment because: American LegalNet, Inc. L - 0 759 [ Revised June 13 , 201 9 ] DECLARATION OF DUE DILIGENCE AND REQUEST TO DISPENSE WITH NOTICE Page 3 of 4 I c ontacted his/her relatives. Name: Date: Relationship: How: Result: Name: Date: Relationship: How: Result: Name: Date: Relationship: How: Result: Name: Date: Relationship: How: Result: I was unable to contact his/her relatives because: I c ontacted his/her friends and acquaintances. Name: Date: How: Result: Name: Date: How: Result: Name: Date: How: Result: I was unable to contact his/her friends and acquaintances because: American LegalNet, Inc. L - 0 759 [ Revised June 13 , 201 9 ] DECLARATION OF DUE DILIGENCE AND REQUEST TO DISPENSE WITH NOTICE Page 4 of 4 I c ontacted the County Tax Assessors Office where I believe he/she owns property. County: Date: Contact info: Result: County: Date: Contact info: Result: I was unable to contact the County Tax Assessors Office because: I have reason to believe he/she is cu rrently in a hospital or jail. Place: Date/ T ime: Result: Place: Date/ T ime: Result: My other effort(s) to locate him/her include: I ask the court to dispense with notice to the person identified above because I have been unable to give him/her notice of this proceeding, despite my diligent efforts. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on (date) at ( city ) , California. (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF PETITIONER) American LegalNet, Inc.