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Declaration Re Notice To Opposing Party (Tahoe) (Family Law) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Placer Local County.
Tags: Declaration Re Notice To Opposing Party (Tahoe) (Family Law), California Local County, Placer
NAME, STATE BAR NO., ADDRESS & TELEPHONE NO. OF ATTORNEY OR UNREPRESENTED PARTY Attorney for: PLACER COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT P.O. Box 5669 2501 North Lake Blvd. Tahoe City, CA 96145 PETITIONER RESPONDENT DECLARATION RE NOTICE TO OPPOSING PARTY OF EX PARTE HEARING ORDER SHORTHENING TIME (Family Law) 1. I am counsel for Petitioner Respondent in this action. CASE NO: 2. The opposing party is represented by an attorney: Yes No If you checked "yes", fill in the attorney's name address and telephone number: 3. I have given notice to________________________________________________ (name) of this Ex Parte hearing Request for Order Shortening time by: [Complete either (a), (b), or (c)] (a) Telephone call on __________________________ at _______________ (a.m.) (p.m.) Date (b) In person on __________________________ at _______________ (a.m.) (p.m.) Date (c) Other on __________________________ at _______________ (a.m.) (p.m.) Date Describe other notice:______________________________ Or I have not given notice of this application for reason(s) indicated: Ex parte orders Order Shortening Time for the following Giving notice would frustrate the purpose of the order (explain in detail) :__________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ I will suffer immediate and irreparable injury if notice is given (explain in detail):_____________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Describe the urgent circumstances that make it necessary for the Court to hear this matter prior to a normally scheduled court date: __________________________________________________ __________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Order Shortening Time Only. Dates that Petitioner is unavailable for hearing (if known):__________________ _________________________________. Dates that Respondent in unavailable for hearing (if known): __________________________________________________________________________________________ I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Signed at ___________________(city), California on __________________________(date). _____________________________________ TYPE OR PRINT NAME ______________________________________ SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT American LegalNet, Inc.