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SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF PLACER ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar Number, and Address): FOR COURT USE ONLY TELEPHONE NO.: FAX NO.: EMAIL ADDRESS: SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF PLACER 10820 Justice Center Drive 2501 N. Lake Blvd. P.O. Box 619072 P.O. Box 5669 Roseville, CA 95661-9072 Tahoe City, CA 96145 Fax to: (916) 408-6285 Fax to: (530) 584-3471 PETITIONER: RESPONDENT: DROP/POSTPONE/RESERVE FAMILY CENTERED CASE RESOLUTION STATUS CONFERENCE CASE NUMBER: **ALLOW UP TO 24 HOURS FOR FAXED REPLY** Courtwillfaxconfirmationtosubmittingpartyonly. This form may ONLY be used for Family Law Status Conferences (Local Rule 30.13) Today's date: 6 mo / 12 mo / ___ 18 mo Status Conference (please check one) Scheduled date of Status Conference: ______________________________________________________ Parties agree to: Drop conference from calendar. Postpone conference to later date or reserve a date: Please provide 3 dates that all parties agree to be available for a Status Conference (must be on a Tuesday for Roseville or Friday for Tahoe): 1. ____________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________ NOTE: Status Conferences can only be postponed for up to 1 month. The selected date and time set for the Status Conference will be faxed to the party requesting. The party requesting must provide written notice of the new date and time to the other party. Party Requesting: _________________________ Attorney for Party: __________________________ FAX NO. REQUIRED _____________________________ Phone #: ___________________________ FOR COURT USE ONLY Drop confirmed on:_________________________________________________________ Hearing postponed to/reserved for: ____________________________________________ Party to submit written agreement or letter confirming both parties agree to the court by ______________ on _____________________________________. Clerk Initials:______________ Form Adopted for Optional Use Superior Court of California, County of Placer Form No. PL-FL018 Effective 01-01-2017 American LegalNet, Inc.