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SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF PLACER Form Adopted for Optional Use Superior Court of California, County of Placer Placer County Local Rule 10.22 Form No. PL-FL021 Effective 11-16-2018 ATTACHMENT 8 TO FL300: Other Orders Requested See Information Sheet for Further Instructions REQUEST FOR ELISOR (Local Rule 10.22) Case Name: Case Number: ORDERS REQUESTED 1. I request the Clerk of the Court, or the Clerk222s authorized representative or designee, be appointed as an Elisor to sign the documents listed in (2) below on behalf of the other party, 2. I request the court appoint the Elisor to sign the following listed documents (each document shall be clearly identified by the exact title of the document, and a copy of the document shall be attached to this request with a cover sheet identifying the document by the Roman numeral listed below.) I have highlighted the signature space on each document attached. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. 3. I understand that if my order is granted, it is my responsibility to contact Court Administration to arrange for a time for the actual signing of the documents, and that I must make any arrangements for a notary public to be present, if one is required. I request that the court order me to do the same, per the local rule. 4. With my request, I am submitting an additional (or extra) true and correct copy of the documents I am requesting an Elisor sign. I understand that if my request is granted, the original documents that I will present to the appointed Elisor will match exactly the true and correct copies that are attached to this request, and the documents will match exactly the additional true and correct copy of the documents I am submitting to the court. I request the extra copy be attached to the order requested. American LegalNet, Inc. SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF PLACER Form Adopted for Optional Use Superior Court of California, County of Placer Placer County Local Rule 10.22 Form No. PL-FL021 Effective 11-16-2018 5. In asking for the above orders I understand the following: I. That if my request is granted it is my responsibility to ensure the original documents presented to the Elisor exactly match the true and correct copies that are attached to this request. II. I understand that if I am asking the Elisor to sign paperwork related to a bank, brokerage, or other account that I have listed the account number in parenthesis after the document title of each of the documents listed above. I understand that I must include this information above for all documents associated with any account (s). III. I understand that if I am asking the Elisor to sign a property deed or loan documents associated with a parcel of real property, I have listed the property222s Assessor222s Parcel Number (APN) and physical address in parenthesis after the document title above. I understand that I must include this information above for all documents associated with the transfer of real property. REASONS WHY I AM REQUESTING THE ORDER Please explain the specific facts and reasons establishing the necessity for the appointment of an Elisor. I declare under penalty of perjury the foregoing is true and correct: Date: Print Name Signature of Requesting Party American LegalNet, Inc.