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Fictitious Business Name Statement (Placer) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Placer Local County.
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Tags: Fictitious Business Name Statement (Placer), California Local County, Placer
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENTBusiness and Professionals Code 24717900 ET SEQ. FILING FEES: $30.00 - FOR FIRST BUSINESS NAME AND FIRST BUSINESS OWNER ON STATEMENT. $ 5.50 - FOR EACH ADDITIONAL BUSINESS NAME FILED ON SAME STATEMENT AND DOING BUSINESS AT THE SAME LOCATION. $ 5.50 - FOR EACH ADDITIONAL OWNER IN EXCESS OF THE FIRST OWNER. Mail to:Placer County Clerk-Recorder2954 Richardson Drive, Auburn, CA 95603(530) 886-5610 or Toll free (800) 488-4308 ext. 5610*FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S) TO BE FILED. (Must be typed or printed legibly)1)3)2)4)**STREET ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS.STREET ADDRESS CIT Y STATEZIP COD E COUNTY OF PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINES S ***REGISTRANT INFORMATION - PHYSICAL ADDRESS IS REQUIRED, PO BOX MAY BE ADDED FOR MAILING.FULL NAME OF REGISTRANT/OWNERTELEPHONE #REGISTRANT'S ADDRESSCITYSTATE ZIP CODEFULL NAME OF REGISTRANT/OWNERTELEPHONE #REGISTRANT'S ADDRESSCITYSTATE ZIP CODEFULL NAME OF REGISTRANT/OWNERTELEPHONE #PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE AND PRINT OR TYPE ONLY. APPLICATION MUST BE COMPLETELY LEGIBLE. WHEN FILING BY MAIL PLEASE PROVIDE A SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE. 3.1.2. IFYOURBUSINESSISNOTLOCATEDINPLACERCOUNTYHAVEYOUFILEDANFBNWHEREYOURPRINICIPALPLACEOFBUSINESSISPHYSICALLYLOCATED?YESNOThis Space Reserved for File Stamp REGISTRANT'S ADDRESSCITYSTATE ZIP CODEIF MORE THAN 3 REGISTRANTS/OWNERS, ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS SHOWING OWNER INFORMATION. IF REGISTRANT IS A CORPORATION OR LLC, INCLUDE STATE OF INCORPORATION BELOW.****BUSINESS CONDUCTED BY: Check only one boxA LIMITED PARTNERSHIPA GENERAL PARTNERSHIPAN INDIVIDUALCO-PARTNERSMARRIED COUPLECORPORATION, STATE OF A JOINT VENTURETRUSTSTATE OR LOCAL REGISTERED DOMESTIC PARTNERSA LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP*****BUSINESS COMMENCEMENT DATE:DATE: NAME: (PRINT NAME OF PERSON SIGNING. IF CORPORATION, ALSO PRINT CORPORATE TITLE OF OFFICER. IF LLC, ALSO PRINT TITLE OF OFFICER OR MANAGER.)SIGNATURE: RENEW PRIOR TO: BY: FILE NUMBER: DISTRIBUTION: 1 - FILE COUNTY CLERK 3 - BANK AND OTHER REQUIRED NEEDS (CERTIFIED)1/1/20142 - FOR NEWSPAPER PUBLICATION (WHEN REQUIRED)4 - REGISTRANT'S COPY ID VERIFIED BY A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, STATE OF I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS COPY IS A CORRECT COPY OF THEORIGINAL STATEMENT ON FILE IN MY OFFICE. Ryan Ronco THEREGISTRANT(S)COMMENCEDTOTRANSACTBUSINESSUNDERTHEFICTITIOUSBUSINESSNAME(S)LISTEDABOVEON:(AFUTUREDATEISNOT ALLOWED.PLEASEINSERTN/AIFDATEISINFUTURE.)THEFILINGOFTHISSTATEMENTDOESNOTOFITSELFAUTHORIZETHEUSEINTHISSTATEOFAFICTITIOUSBUSINESSNAMEINVIOLATIONOFTHERIGHTSOFANOTHERUNDERFEDERAL, STATE OR COMMON LAW. (SEE B&P CODE 24714411 ET SEQ.)DeputyCounty Clerk5.NOTICE:INACCORDANCEWITHSUBDIVISION(a)OF24717920,AFICTITIOUSNAMESTATEMENTGENERALLYEXPIRESATTHEENDOFFIVEYEARSFROMTHEDATEONWHICHITWASFILEDINTHEOFFICEOFTHECOUNTYCLERK,EXCEPT,ASPROVIDEDINSUBDIVISION(b)OF24717920,WHEREITEXPIRES40DAYSAFTERANYCHANGEINTHEFACTSSETFORTHINTHESTATEMENTPURSUANTTO24717913OTHERTHANACHANGEINTHE RESIDENCE ADDRESS OF A REGISTERED OWNER. A NEW FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT MUST BE FILED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE.6.7.4."I DECLARE THAT ALL INFORMATION IN THIS STATEMENT IS TRUE AND CORRECT." (A REGISTRANT WHO DECLARES AS TRUE ANY MATERIAL MATTER PURSUANT TO SECTION 17913 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE THAT THE REGISTRANT KNOWS TO BE FALSE IS GUILTY OF A MISDEMEANOR PUNISHABLE BY A FINE NOT TO EXCEED ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000).) AN UNINCORPORATED ASSOCIATION OTHER THAN PARTNERSHIP American LegalNet, Inc. x-noneBusiness and Professions Code 24717913:x-none* Where one asterisk appears in the form: x-none(a)x-noneInsert the fictitious business name or names. x-none(b)x-noneOnly those businesses operated at the same address and under the same ownership may be listed on one statement. x-none** Where two asterisks appear in the form: x-none(a) x-none(b) x-none(c) x-none*** Where three asterisks appear in the form: x-none(a) x-noneIf the registrant is an individual, insert his or her full name and residence address. x-none(b) x-noneIf the registrants are a married couple, insert the full name and residence address of both parties to the marriage. x-none(c) x-none(d) x-noneIf the registrant is a limited partnership, insert the full name and residence address of each general partner. x-none(e) x-none(f)x-noneIf the registrant is a trust, insert the full name and residence address of each trustee. x-none(g) x-none(h) x-none**** Where four asterisks appear in the form: x-none(a)x-none***** Where five asterisks appear in the form: x-none(a) x-none(b) x-noneBusiness and Professions Code 24717914 - The statement shall be signed as follows: x-none(a)x-noneIf the registrant is an individual, by the individual. x-none(b)x-noneIf the registrants are a married couple, by one of the parties to the marriage. x-none(c) x-none(d)x-noneIf the registrant is a limited liability company, by a manager or officer. x-none(e)x-noneIf the registrant is a trust, by a trustee. x-none(f)x-noneIf the registrant is a corporation, by an officer. x-none(g)x-noneIf the registrant is a state or local registered domestic partnership, by one of the domestic partners. x-none(a) x-none(b) x-noneBusiness and Professions Code 24717922 - Abandonment of Fictitious Business Name. x-none(a) x-noneAny person who executes, files, or publishes any statement under this chapter, knowing that such statement is false, in whole or in part, shall be guilty x-noneof a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). x-noneBusiness and Professions Code 24717915. x-noneBusiness and Professions Code 24717917 - Publication for Original, New Filings (renewal with change in facts from previous filing), or Refile. INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETION OF STATEMENT x-noneother than a partnership, by a general partner. x-noneIf the registrants are state or local registered domestic partners, insert the full name and residence address of each domestic partner. x-noneInsert the date on which the registrant first commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed, if already x-noneCheck the term listed on the front of the form that best describes the nature of the business. x-noneIf the registrant has a place of business in this state, insert the street address and county of his or her principal place of business in this state. x-noneIf the registrant has no place of business in this state, insert the street address and county of his or her principal place of business outside this x-noneMail Box and Post Office Box Numbers are not acceptable as a business address when used alone without a street address. x-nonea fictitious business name statement shall file a statement of abandonment of use of fictitious business name. The statement shall be executed x-noneand published in the same manner as a fictitious business name statement and shall be filed with the county clerk of the county in which the x-noneof general circulation in an adjoining county. If the registrant does not have a place of business in this state, the notice shall be published in a x-nonenewspaper of general circulation in Sacramento County. The publication must be once a week for four successive weeks, and an affidavit of x-nonepublication must be filed with the county clerk where the fictitious business name statement was filed within 30 days after the completion of the x-nonepublication. x-noneIf a refiling is required because the prior statement has expired, the refiling need not be published, unless there has been a change in the x-noneperson has filed his or her fictitious business name statement. x-nonethan a partnership, insert the full name and residence address of each general partner. x-noneon file with the CA Secretary of State, and the state of organization. x-noneSecretary of State, and the state of incorporation. x-nonetransacting business under that name or names. x-noneinformation required in the expired statement, provided the refiling is filed within 40 days of the date the statement expired. x-noneUpon ceasing to transact business in this state under a fictitious business name that was filed in the previous five