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SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE INDIO 47 - 671 Oasis St., Indio, CA 92201 RIVERSIDE 9991 County Farm R d., Riverside, CA 92503 MURRIETA 30755 - G Auld Rd. , Murrieta, CA 92563 RI - J V020 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY ( Name, State Bar Number and Address) FOR COURT USE ONLY TELEPHONE NO.: FAX NO. (Optiona l): E - MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name ): CASE NUMBER: Hearing Date: Time: Department: STIPULATION POST PERMANENCY PLANNING HEARING AND ORDER IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED BY THE PARTIE S TO THE ABOVE - ENTITLED MATTER THAT: 1. 2. Notice was given as required by law. 3. For the child[ren] ten years of age or older who is/are not p resent, The child[ren] received proper notice of their r ight to attend the hearing, was/were given the opportunity to be present, and there is no good cause for a continuance to enable the child to be present. 4. The court has re and report of any court appointed advocate dated . 5. The child[ren] shall be continued as dependent[s] of the court pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code Section 300, subsection[s] as described below: Name WIC 300 Section(s) 6. 7. DPSS has made diligent efforts to locate an appro priate relative. 8. The child[ren] shall be continued in suitable relative care, with an able and willing non - related extended family 9. - of - home place ment is necessary and the current placement is appropriate. 10. The child, is on runaway status. DPSS has made reasonable efforts to locate the child. Page 1 of 3 Adopted for Mandatory Use Riverside Superior Court RI - JV020 [Rev. 04/18 /19] STIPULATION POST PERMANENCY PLANNING HEARING AND ORDER American LegalNet, Inc. CASE NUMBER : 11. The child[ren] is/are placed outside the State of California and that Out - Of - State placement does continue to 12. The court finds that DPSS has complied with the case plan by making reasonable efforts, including whatev er steps are necessary to finalize the permanent placement of the child. 13. The services provided to the child[ren] have been adequate. 14. e relationship between the child[ren] who is/are ten years old or older and a designated important person in the 15. Medical, mental, dental, surgical, mental health care/testing as required is authorized. DPSS is authorized to collect reimbursement pursuant to W&IC 247 903 et seq. 16. The court has considered wh e ther it is necessary to limit the right of the to make educational or developmental series decisions for the . Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the court does not limit the right of the to make educational or developmental services decisions for the . The parent[s] The right of the , to make educational and developmental services decisions for the is limited as set forth in the JV - 535 Findings and Orders Limiting Right to Make Educational Decisions for the Child, Appointing Educational Representat Educational Needs filed in this matter. 17 . The permanent plan selected below is appropriate and is ordered the permanent plan: R eturn home A doption Legal G ua rdianship Tribal Customary Adoption P lacement with a fit and willing relative 18 . The court report/case plan includes a description of the intensive and ongoing efforts of the Department to establish a perm anent plan of return home, adoption/tribal customary adoption, legal guardianship, or placement with a fit and willing relative. 19 . will be achieved is . 20. The extent of progress made by the mother towards alleviating or mitigating the causes necessitating placement has been not applicable parental rights terminated none minimal moderate substantial 21 . The extent of progress made by father towards alleviating or mitigating the causes necessitating placement has has been not app licable parental rights terminated none minimal moderate substantial 22 . ction and the sibling relationships have been maintained pursuant to W&IC 247 16002. Efforts are being mad e to place the child[ren], and the following siblings, together. Efforts to place the child[ren], , with the following siblings, are not appropriate. 23. The court has read and considered the case plan and it i s approved as written. 24 . The case plan was developed in consideration of the recommendations of the Child and Family Team in accordance with W&IC 247 16501.1(g). 25 . For child[ren] twelve and over, was/were actively involv ed in the was/were given the opportunity to review, sign, and receive a copy of the case plan. Page 2 of 3 Adopted for Mandatory Use Riverside Superior Court RI - JV020 [Rev. 04/18 /19] STIPULATION POST PERMANENCY PLANNING HEARING AND ORDER American LegalNet, Inc. CASE NUMB ER : 26 . For children twelve and over, the child was not actively involved in the development of the case plan including planning permanent placement because the child was unable, unavailable, or unwilling to participate. 27 . For children fourteen and over, the services set forth in the case plan include those needed to assist the child in making the transition from foster care to successful adulthood. 28 . The child[ren], was/were in foster care at 16 and remain(s) eligible f or independent living program services. A Transitional Independent Living Plan (TILP) has been completed. 29 . For the child[ren], aged 16 or older, the court has considered the evidence contained in the report and finds that there is a compe lling reason for determining that a hearing under W&IC 247 366.26 is not in the best interest of the child[ren]. Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement is recommended with a goal of: Return Home Adoption Legal Guardianship Tribal Customary Adoption Placement with a fit and willing relative 30 . The next Post - Permanency Planning Review Hearing is set on at 8:00 a.m. in Department A compelling reason exists for not setting a W&IC 247 366.26 hearing in that such a hearing is not in the best interest of the child[ren] because the child[ren] is/are not a proper subject for adoption as this time and has/have no one cur rently willing or appropriate to accept legal guardianship. A permanent plan of legal guardianship or adoption may be appropriate, and the matter is ordered set for a hearing pursuant to W&IC 247 366.26 on in Department . D PSS and/or a licensed office is ordered to give notice pursuant to CRC 247 5695(f)(18). 31. The court adopts the balance of the recommendations contained in the 366.3 report filed on and makes those the findings and orders of the court. 32 . Additional orders requested: 33 . All prior orders not in conflict shall remain in full force and effect. (ATTORNE Y FOR CHILD[REN]) (DPSS ATTORNEY/COURT OFFICER) (ATTORNEY FOR MOTHER) (ATTORNEY FOR FATHER OF:) (ATTORNEY FOR FATHER OF:) (ATTORNEY FOR FATHER OF:) ORDER EPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS, ADDENDUMS AND ANY COURT - APPOINTED ADVOCATE REPORT, THE COURT MAKES EACH OF THE FINDINGS AND ORDERS SPECIFIED IN THIS STIPULATION AND FURTHER ORDERS THAT THIS STIPULATION RE: POST - PERMANENCY PLANNING HEARING BE FILED AND INCORPOR ATED BY REFERENCE AND ATTACHED AS A PART OF THE FILE IN THIS MATTER. (DATE) (JUDICIAL OFFICER) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is true and correct. Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF ATTORNEY PARTY MAKING DECLARATION) (SIGNATURE) Page 3 of 3 Adopted for Mandatory Use Riverside Superior Court RI - JV020 [Rev. 04/18 /19] STIPULATION POST PERMANENCY PLANN ING HEARING AND ORDER American LegalNet, Inc.