Ex Parte Application To Extend Arbitration Date
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Ex Parte Application To Extend Arbitration Date Form. This is a California form and can be use in Sacramento Local County.
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Tags: Ex Parte Application To Extend Arbitration Date, C-8, California Local County, Sacramento
Attorney or Party Without Attorney (Name and Address):
Telephone No.
For Court Use Only
Superior Court of California
County of Sacramento
720 Ninth Street, Room 102
Sacramento, CA 95814-1380
(916) 874-6868
Case Number:
Ex Parte Application to Extend Arbitration Date
The parties to the above action have stipulated that the arbitration hearing in this matter cannot be heard within the time
period prescribed by California Rules of Court 1607. All parties to the action and the arbitrator have stipulated as follows:
Date arbitration hearing now scheduled:
Proposed new date of arbitration hearing:
Detailed reasons for extension of time (attach additional pages if necessary):
Date complaint was filed:
Date of notice of appointment of arbitrator:
Number of previous applications to extend arbitration date:
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.
Signature of Attorney or Party Without Attorney
Attorney for:
IT IS ORDERED that the arbitration hearing shall be concluded no later than
Local Form Adopted for Mandatory Use
Ex Parte Application to Extend Arbitration
American LegalNet, Inc.