Declaration Notice Upon Ex Parte Application For Orders
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Declaration Notice Upon Ex Parte Application For Orders Form. This is a California form and can be use in Sacramento Local County.
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Tags: Declaration Notice Upon Ex Parte Application For Orders, FL-E-LP-604, California Local County, Sacramento
FL/E-LP-604 PETITIONER/PLAINTIFF: RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT: CASE NUMBER: DECLARATION NOTICE UPON EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR ORDERS I, _______________________________________________, declare: 1. 2. I am counsel for Petitioner/Plaintiff Respondent/Defendant in this action. Pursuant to California Rule of Court 5.151(e) I have informed of this ex parte request by: [Complete either (a), (b) or (c)] (a) (b) (c) 3. I told Telephone call on In Person on Other (Describe): Name of person you notified ________________________________ Name of person you notified _____________________ at Date _____________ (a.m.)(p.m.) Time _____________________ at Date _____________ (a.m.)(p.m.) Time ____________________________________________________________ _________________________________ that I would be bringing this ex parte request to the William R. _____________________ at 8:30 a.m. in Date to appear R. Ridgeway Family Law Relations Courthouse on department __________, regarding (Describe below): 4. 5. I do do not expect an opposition to my request from the party. I received the following response to above notice (Describe below): 6. I have not given notice of this application for ex parte orders for the following reason(s) indicated: Giving notice would frustrate the purpose of the order (Describe below): I will suffer immediate and irreparable injury if notice is given (Describe below): I was unable to give notice after making the following attempts(Describe below): I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED:__________________________ __________________________________________ TYPE OR PRINT NAME _________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT Page 1 FL/E-LP-604 (Revised 12/12) Mandatory NOTICE UPON EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR ORDERS CRC 3.1204 (b) American LegalNet, Inc.