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Findings And Orders Limiting Right To Make Educational Decision (Modified For Sacramento Use) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Sacramento Local County.
Tags: Findings And Orders Limiting Right To Make Educational Decision (Modified For Sacramento Use), JV-535, California Local County, Sacramento
JV-535 ATTORNEY or PETITIONER (Name, state bar number, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY TELEPHONE NO. (Optional): E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): FAX NO. (Optional): CHILD'S NAME: SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO JUVENILE DELINQUENCY B.T. Collins Juvenile Center 9605 Kiefer Boulevard Sacramento, CA 95827 JUVENILE DEPENDENCY William R. Ridgeway Family Relations Courthouse 3341 Power Inn Road Sacramento, CA 95826 CASE NUMBER: FINDINGS AND ORDERS LIMITING RIGHT TO MAKE EDUCATIONAL DECISIONS FOR THE CHILD, APPOINTING EDUCATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE, AND DETERMINING CHILD'S EDUCATION NEEDS Attention: This is a. b. c. a new order an order changing the appointment and vacating a prior order dated: an order vacating a prior order dated and reinstating parental education rights Dept: Room: N/A 1. Date of Hearing: Judicial officer (name): Persons present: Child Child's attorney Father's attorney Deputy county counsel Mother Guardian CASA Mother's attorney Deputy district attorney Other: Father Probation officer/social worker CAUTION: IMPORTANT READ 2. Providing the information on this form to the parent or guardian (for example, because of the placement's confidentiality). a. b. 3. 4. 5. 6. will will not create a safety risk for the child The information is to be withheld from the parent or guardian (name each): The information is to be provided to the parent or guardian (name each): Date of birth: Child's school district (including if child is pre-school age): Child's school (name, address and telephone): Child's social worker (name, address and telephone): Social worker code: 7. 8. Child's supervising social worker (name and telephone): Child's probation officer (name, address and telephone): Child's supervising probation officer (name and telephone): Page 1 of 4 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California JV-535 [Rev July 1, 2008] Modified for local use [6/2009] FINDINGS AND ORDERS LIMITING RIGHT TO MAKE EDUCATIONAL DECISIONS FOR THE CHILD, APPOINTING EDUCATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE, AND DETERMINING CHILD'S EDUCATIONAL NEEDS Education Code �56156; Government Code, �7579.5; Welfare and Institutions Code �� 361(a), 726; Cal. Rules of Court, rules 5.695(c)(3), 5.790(f)(5), 5.650 Order issued: American LegalNet, Inc. JV-535 CHILD'S NAME: CASE NUMBER: 9. 10. 11. Foster youth liaison (as defined in Education Code section 48853.5(b)) (name and address): Linda Zall Sacramento County Office of Education P.O. Box 269003 Sacramento CA 95826 Child's attorney (name, address and telephone): After consideration of the evidence, the court finds and orders under Welfare and Institutions Code section 319(g), 361(a) or 726(b): The right of the parent (name): a. parent (name): other (name): guardian (name): to make education decisions for the child is (specify): limited by this court b. c. temporarily limited by this court (if before disposition) guardian (name): other (name): Parental rights have been terminated, and no one holds educational rights for this child. [Long-Term Placement � Ed. Code � 56055(b)] Reunification services for the child and family have been terminated or were never ordered and the child is placed in a planned permanent living arrangement with (identify placement or indicate if placement is confidential) The child's current caretaker, and any successor, holds the education rights for this child as indicated in (1) or (2) below. (1) [Current Caretaker Qualified] The court finds that the identified foster parent, relative caregiver, or nonrelative extended family member (as defined in Welfare and Institutions Code section 362.7) may represent the child in all general and special educational matters under Education Code section 56055(a) and is not prohibited from doing so or excluded by Welfare and Institutions Code section 361 or 726 or 34 Code of Federal Regulations section 300.519 or 303.19 [Current Caretaker Disqualified] The following foster parent, relative caregiver, or nonrelative extended family member (as defined in Welfare and Institutions Code section 362.7) may not make education decisions for the child under Education Code section 56055(b). (a) (b) (c) (d) Name: Address: Telephone: Relationship to child: (2) d. [Identified Educational Representative � General Education; Special Education if Applicable] The following responsible adult, who has no apparent conflict of interest and who is not prohibited by Education Code section 56055 or 34 Code of Federal Regulations section 300.519 or 303.19, is appointed as the child's educational representative. (1) (2) (3) (4) Name: Address: Telephone: Relationship to child: e. [No Identified Educational Representative; Only if Special Education] The court cannot identify a responsible adult to make education decisions for the child, and the child is potentially eligible for special education and related services or already has an individualized education program (IEP). Therefore, the court refers the child to the local educational agency (LEA). The LEA must make reasonable efforts to appoint a surrogate parent for the child under Government Code section 7579.5 within 30 days of the court's referral. The LEA must notify the court of the identity of the appointee on attached form JV-536 within seven calendar days of the date of the appointment, termination, resignation, or replacement of a surrogate parent. NOTE: If box 11.e is checked, form JV-536, Local Educational Agency Response to JV-535 � Appointment of Surrogate Parent, must be attached when this order is served on the local education agency. f. [No Identified Educational Representative; Only if not Special Education] The court cannot identify a responsible adult to make educational decisions for the child, and the child does not qualify for special education. The court, with input from any interested person, will make educational decisions for the child. Page 2 of 4 Form Adopted for Mandatory Use Judicial Council of California JV-535 [Rev July 1, 2008] Modified for local use [9/2008] FINDINGS AND ORDERS LIMITING RIGHT TO MAKE EDUCATIONAL DECISIONS FOR THE CHILD, APPOINTING EDUCATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE, AND DETERMINING CHILD'S EDUCATIONAL NEEDS Education Code �56156; Government Code, �7579.5; Welfare and Institutions Code �� 361(a), 726; Cal. Rules of Court, rules 5.695(c)(3), 5.790(f)(5), 5.650 Order issued: American LegalNet, Inc. JV-535 CHILD'S NAME: CASE NUMBER: 12. The child has the following educational and d