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Petition For Change Of Name Procedure Form. This is a California form and can be use in Sacramento Local County.
Tags: Petition For Change Of Name Procedure, CV-E-142, California Local County, Sacramento
County of Sacramento
720 Ninth Street
Sacramento, CA 95814-1380
(916) 874-5522 –
Please note that pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure, Section 1279.5 all petitions for change
of name will be checked for parole and/or sex offender status.
If you have general questions about your Petition for Name Change case
after reading this document, please call (916) 874-5522.
You must be a resident of Sacramento County in order to
file a Petition for Change of Name in this court. Residency is not required if
you are only changing your gender.
If you are restoring your name after a dissolution of marriage that
occurred in Sacramento County, you may obtain this service at our
Family Relations Courthouse at no charge.
1. You must acquire the appropriate documents online or at the Superior Court of California,
County of Sacramento, civil records customer service counter in room 102.
Note: It is recommended that you visit the Civil Self-Help Center located in the
Sacramento Public Law Library at 609 9th Street, for further direction in filling out
your documents. For more information you can go to:
2. Submit your completed documents to the civil customer service counter at 720 9th Street,
Room 102. Petitions for Change of Name/Gender are only accepted at the front counter
on Wednesdays. For the current fee amount, see the Statewide Civil Fee Schedule at: Fee waivers are available.
► Adults - Complete and submit an original and two (2) copies of the following unless
otherwise noted:
Petition for Change of Name (form NC-100);
CV/E-142 (Rev 7.10.2012)
American LegalNet, Inc.
Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento
► Adults (cont..)
Attachment to Petition for Change of Name (form NC-110 - Name and Information About
the Person Whose Name is to be Changed), a separate attachment for each person whose
name is to be changed is required;
Order to Show Cause for Change of Name (form NC-120); Original & 3 copies
Decree Changing Name (form NC-130)
Civil Case Cover Sheet (form CM-010)
► Petitions for change of gender or change of name and gender complete and
submit an original and two (2) copies of the following unless otherwise noted:
Petition for Change of Name and Gender (NC-200)
Petition for Change of Gender and Issuance of New Birth Certificate (NC-300)
Order to Show Cause for Change of Name (NC-220); Original & 3 copies
Setting of Hearing on Petition for Change of Gender and Issuance of New Birth Certificate
Decree Changing Name and Gender (NC-230)
Civil Case Cover Sheet (form CM-010)
Declaration of Physician Documenting change of Gender Through Clinically Appropriate
Treatment Under Health and Safety code Sections 103425 and 103430 (NC-210/310)
► Minors - Parent(s) must complete and submit an original and two (2) copies of the
following unless otherwise noted:
Petition for Change of Name (form NC-100);
Attachment to Petition for Change of Name (form NC-110 - Name and Information About
the Person Whose Name is to be Changed), a separate attachment for each person whose
name is to be changed is required;
Order to Show Cause for Change of Name (form NC-120); Original & 3 copies
Decree Changing Name (form NC-130); and
Civil Case Cover Sheet (form CM-010).
To expedite the process, both parents should sign the Petition for Change of Name of Minor.
When one parent submits a name change for a minor child or children, and the other parent, if
living, does not join in consenting to the name change (signature required on petition as a copetitioner), the non-consenting parent must be served personally no less than 30 days prior to
the hearing with a copy of the Order to Show Cause pursuant to CCP Section 1277(a). A
completed Proof of Service of Order to Show Cause (form NC-121) must also be filed with the
court prior to the hearing date. If the non-consenting parent cannot be found, a detailed
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American LegalNet, Inc.
Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento
accounting of steps taken to find the non-consenting parent must be completed on the
Declaration form.
► Minors - When both parents are deceased, the guardian must complete and submit
an original and two (2) copies of the following unless otherwise noted
Petition for Change of Name (form NC-100);
Attachment to Petition for Change of Name (form NC-110 - Name and Information About
the Person Whose Name is to be Changed, a separate attachment for each person whose
name is to be changed is required);
Supplemental Attachment to Petition for Change of Name (form NC-110G – Declaration
of Guardian, a separate attachment for each child whose name is to be changed is
Order to Show Cause Change of Name (form NC-120); Original & 3 copies
Decree Changing Name of Minor by Guardian (form NC-130G); and
Civil Case Cover Sheet (form CM-010).
► Entire Family – For an entire family wishing to obtain a change of name, the
parent(s)/guardian(s) must complete and submit an original and two (2) copies of
the following unless otherwise noted
Petition for Change of Name (form NC-100);
Attachment to Petition for Change of Name (form NC-110 - Name and Information About
the Person Whose Name is to be Changed, a separate attachment for each person whose
name is to be changed is required);
Order to Show Cause for Change of Name (form NC-120); Original & 3 copies
Decree Changing Name (form NC-130); and
Civil Case Cover Sheet (form CM-010).
► If a guardian is filing the petition, include:
Supplemental Attachment to Petition for Change of Name (form NC-110G – Declaration
of Guardian, a separate attachment for each child whose name is to be changed is
Decree Changing Name of Minor by Guardian (form NC-130G).
3. The filing and certification fee or Request for Fee Waiver is required at the time the
documents are filed with the Court. Please refer to the current Fee Schedule. For additional
certified copies, please enclose additional fees per copy.
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American LegalNet, Inc.
Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento
4. When you file your documents, your petition will be given a case number and a hearing date.
5. You are required to publish the Order to Show Cause (NC 120/220) in a newspaper of general
circulation printed in Sacramento County once a week for four consecutive weeks prior to the
date set for hearing. The newspaper will prepare a proof of publication that must be filed
before the hearing date in the department your hearing is set in. If you are filing your petition
by mail, include the name of the newspaper you have selected in #3 of the Order to Show
Cause (NC 120/220). Newspaper prices vary so please call the newspaper in advance to obtain
current fee and get information regarding payment. Do not delay in taking the order to the
newspaper for publication.
Attached is a list of general circulation newspapers located in the County of Sacramento.
6. On the court day before your hearing date (after 2:00pm), access the Tentative Rulings by
going to the Courts website at and clicking on “View Tentative
Rulings”. If you do not have access to the internet, call (916) 874-5242 and a clerk will read
the tentative ruling to you.
If you have general questions about your Petition for Name Change case or need to
request a new hearing date, please call (916) 874-5522.
If the ruling indicates:
Your change of name is granted, the Courtroom Clerk will mail you the Decree Changing
Name. You do not need to appear.
Your change of name is granted upon proper proof of publication, you will need to
bring a copy of the proof of publication to court by 9:00am on the scheduled hearing date,
and you will not need to appear at the hearing.
Your appearance is required, you must appear at the date, time, and department indicated
on your Order to Show Cause.
7. If a hearing is required, the judge will determine whether or not to grant your petition. Once
your petition has been granted, the Courtroom Clerk will mail you the Decree Changing
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American LegalNet, Inc.
Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento
8. If you were born in Sacramento County and want to amend your birth certificate, you will
need to contact the California Office of Vital Records. You will be required to include a
certified copy (with the court seal) of the Decree Changing Name in order to complete the
process with this agency.
Visit or call (916) 445-2684 for more information regarding the
California Office of Vital Records and any services they provide.
If you were not born in Sacramento County, please contact the jurisdiction (county/state)
where you were born to get information about their filing procedures.
9. If you require a confidential name change, please visit California’s Safe at Home program at before filing any documents with the court. You may also contact
them by calling (877) 322-5227 or emailing at
If you have general questions about your Petition for Name Change case or
need to request a new hearing date, please call (916) 874-5522.
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American LegalNet, Inc.
Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento
Some General Circulation Newspapers in Sacramento County
Carmichael Times Newspaper
P.O. Box 14
Carmichael, CA 95609
Daily Recorder
901 H Street
Room 312
Sacramento, CA 95814
Elk Grove Citizen
8970 Elk Grove Blvd.
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Folsom Telegraph
921 Sutter St, Ste 100
Folsom, CA 95630
Galt Herald
P.O. Box 307
604 Lincoln Way
Galt, CA 95632
(209) 745-1551
Grapevine Independent
3338 Mather Field Road
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Rio Linda
Elverta News and Printing
6808 Front Street
Rio Linda, CA 95673
Sacramento Bee Newspaper
P.O. Box 15779
Sacramento, CA 95852
2100 Q Street
Sacramento, CA 95816
The Sacramento Gazette Newspaper
555 University Ave., Ste. 126
Sacramento, CA 95825-6584
The Sacramento Observer
2330 Alhambra Boulevard
Sacramento, CA 95817
Spectrum Newspaper
530 Bercut Drive, Ste. E
Sacramento, CA 95814
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American LegalNet, Inc.