Authorization For Non-Attorney Court Document Preparer (Probate)
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Authorization For Non-Attorney Court Document Preparer (Probate) Form. This is a California form and can be use in Sacramento Local County.
Tags: Authorization For Non-Attorney Court Document Preparer (Probate), PR-E-LP-021, California Local County, Sacramento
PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, state bar number, and address) __ TELEPHONE NO.: FOR COURT USE ONLY IN PRO PER: SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA , COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO STREET ADDRESS: 3341 Power Inn Rd MAILING ADDRESS: 3341 Power Inn Rd CITY AND ZIP CODE: Sacramento, CA 95826 BRANCH NAME: William R. Ridgeway, Family Relations Courthouse PEITIONER: RESPONDENT: AUTHORIZATION FOR NON-ATTORNEY COURT DOCUMENT PREPARER CASE NUMBER: 1. I am the __________________________ in the above-entitled action. (Petitioner/Respondent/Claimant) 2. I hereby authorize _____________________________________ to: (Name of Preparer) act as a courier to submit court documents on my behalf for processing. pick up endorsed copies of court documents on my behalf from the courthouse. Date: Signature of Petitioner/Respondent/Claimant PR-E-LP-021 Authorization for Non-Attorney Court Document Preparer revised 06/09/08 American LegalNet, Inc.