Stipulation To Alernative Dispute Resolution
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Stipulation To Alernative Dispute Resolution Form. This is a California form and can be use in Sacramento Local County.
Tags: Stipulation To Alernative Dispute Resolution, PR-E-LP-001, California Local County, Sacramento
THIS FORM MUST BE TYPEWRITTEN OR PRINTED PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY OR ATTORNEY (Name, Address, Telephone Number, and State Bar membership number): COURT USE ONLY FAX NO.: PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY OR ATTORNEY FOR (Name): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO ESTATE OF(Name): IN RE(Matter): Case number: Decedent Conservatee Minor Date: Time: Dept: [ ] STIPULATION TO ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION [ ] and to SELECT ADR PROVIDER The parties hereby stipulate that this action shall be submitted to: Mediation Non-Binding Arbitration Voluntary Settlement Conference Early Neutral Evaluation Binding Arbitration Other ________________________ and that ________________________________ shall be appointed as: Mediator Arbitrator Other _____________________ Date:_______________________ _________________________________________ Signature of Party _________________________________________ Signature of Attorney for ___________________ Date:_______________________ _________________________________________ Signature of Party _________________________________________ Signature of Attorney for ___________________ Signature(s) of additional party(ies) and attorneys on attachment(s). So Ordered on ______________________________ Date ______________________________ Judge Revised 11/21/2007 American LegalNet, Inc. Early Neutral Evaluation Settlement Conference "Judge" Date:_______________________ Date:_______________________ PR-E-LP-001 STIPULATION TO ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION and to ADR PROVIDER