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Termination Of Guardianship-Supplemental Information Form. This is a California form and can be use in Sacramento Local County.
Tags: Termination Of Guardianship-Supplemental Information, PRE-E-LP-039, California Local County, Sacramento
PR/E-LP-039 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, Address, Fax, Telephone & State Bar Number): Attorney for: (Name) Superior Court of California, County of Sacramento STREET ADDRESS: 3341 Power Inn Road MAILING ADDRESS: Same CITY & ZIP CODE: Sacramento, California 95826 GUARDIANSHIP OF THE PERSON ESTATE OF: (Name) , a Minor(s) TERMINATION OF GUARDIANSHIP, SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Hearing Date: Time: Dept. Probate Case Number: NAME OF CHILD(REN) UNDER GUARDIANSHIP: ______________________________ DATE(S) OF BIRTH: _________________________________________________________ Does anyone object to terminating the guardianship? Yes No If yes, who? __________________________________________________________________ Explain why the guardianship was needed when it was established (be specific). Why is the guardianship no longer necessary? Be specific about what efforts you made to resolve the problems that led to the need for the guardianship. Please attach any supporting documentation including certificates of completion. Page 1 of 7 PR/E-LP-039 (Rev. 7/21/2010) Mandatory Termination of Guardianship, Supplemental Information American LegalNet, Inc. PR/E-LP-038 YOUR SOCIAL HISTORY: NAME:_____________________________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER (WORK): ________________________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER (HOME): ________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________ If you have lived at this address for less than five years, please list your previous addresses: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: _______________________ SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: ____________________DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER: _________ CURRENT MARITAL Status: Divorced Present Spouse's Name: ______________________________Spouse's Date of Birth____________ Spouse's Social Security Number:___________________________________________ Spouse's Driver's License Number:__________________________________________ Were you previously married? Yes No Married Live In Widowed Single Separated If yes, provide name(s) of previous spouse(s) and date of divorce or death that ended the marriage. Contact Information for the other parent of the child(ren) under Guardianship: Name:____________________________________ Phone Number:__________________________ Address:_________________________________________________________________________ List any other children you have (provide their date of birth, address, and with whom they are living). 1) __________________________________________________________________________ 2) __________________________________________________________________________ 3) __________________________________________________________________________ 4) __________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 of 7 PR/E-LP-039 (Rev. 7/21/2010) Mandatory Termination of Guardianship, Supplemental Information American LegalNet, Inc. PR/E-LP-038 Have you ever been convicted of any crime, including driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol? Yes No If yes, provide details such as the crime(s), date(s), place(s): _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever been involved with Child Protective Services? If yes, provide the dates and the name of the County? ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Yes No Are there any circumstances which may affect your ability to resume care, custody or control of the child(ren) if guardianship is terminated? (For example, do you suffer from any health problems or mental illness?) Yes No If yes, describe and provide any medication being taken for these conditions: ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Who will you rely on for assistance and support if the child(ren) is returned to your custody? _____________________________________________________________________________ EMPLOYMENT: Are you employed? Yes No Current employer: _________________________________________________________________ Employer's Phone Number:__________________________ Length of employment: ____________ Housing: Describe your home and accommodations for the minor if the guardianship is terminated. Number of bedrooms and baths. Will the child have own room or bed, shared, with whom? ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Page 3 of 7 PR/E-LP-039 (Rev. 7/21/2010) Mandatory Termination of Guardianship, Supplemental Information American LegalNet, Inc. PR/E-LP-038 Do you have any guns or other weapons? Yes No If yes, please describe how they are stored:__________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any pets or other animals? Yes No If yes, please describe how they are housed:__________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ OTHER CHILDREN IN THE HOME: (under 18 years of age) Give names, dates of birth, school attending, and how they are related to. 1) __________________________________________________________________________ 2) __________________________________________________________________________ 3) __________________________________________________________________________ 4) __________________________________________________________________________ OTHER ADULTS IN THE HOME (18 AND OVER) Give names, dates of birth, social security number, and their relationship to you and the child. 1) ___________________________________________________________________