Judgment By Default By Court In Proceedings Against Joint Debtor
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Judgment By Default By Court In Proceedings Against Joint Debtor Form. This is a California form and can be use in San Francisco Local County.
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Tags: Judgment By Default By Court In Proceedings Against Joint Debtor, MCF-50, California Local County, San Francisco
MCF #50 11/76 Name, Address, & Telephone No. of Attorney(s)Attorney(s) forJUDGMENTBYDEFAULTSuperior CourtCase NumberBY COURT IN PROCEEDINGSState of CaliforniaCounty of San Francisco AGAINST JOINT DEBTORvs. Plaintiff(s)Defendant(s)In Dept., Honorable, Judge Presiding.In this action the defendant having been regularly served with a summons to show cause why he should not be bound by the judgment in the total sum of $heretofore entered in the above-entitled action in the same manner as though he had been originally served with a summons, together with a copy of the affidavit of , plaintiff, that the said judgment or some part thereof remains unsatisfied and specifying therein the amount thereof, having failed to appear and answer said affidavit within the time allowed by law, and the default of said defendant having been duly entered; and it appearing that $has been paid upon said judgment; upon application of plaintiff to the Court, and after hearing the testimony and considering the evidence,IT IS ADJUDGED that the said defendant, is, and hereby is declared to be bound by the judgment heretofore entered in the Judgment Book, Vol.on , in the above-entitled case in the same manner as though he had been originally served with a summons herein, to the extent of the amount remaining unsatisfied on such original judg-ment, to-wit:, Page$principal$interest thereon from date of entry thereof, and$accrued costs and$costs in joint debtor proceedings. Approved:Judge of the Superior CourtDate entered:I certify this to be a true copy of the judgment on file Entered in Judgment Bk. Vol.in the judgment book.PageClerk of the Superior CourtClerk of the Superior CourtBy DeputyByDeputy2002 © American LegalNet, Inc.