Judgment Pursuant To C.C.P. 437c
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Judgment Pursuant To C.C.P. 437c Form. This is a California form and can be use in San Francisco Local County.
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Tags: Judgment Pursuant To C.C.P. 437c, MCF-33, California Local County, San Francisco
MCF 336 -76Name, Address, and Telephone No. of Attorney(s)Attorney(s) for:Case NumberJUDGMENT PURSUANT TO C.C.P. 437cSuperior Court of California County of San Franciscovs.Plaintiff(s)Defendant(s)In Dept., Honorable, Judge Presiding.On, the motion of plaintiff(s) under 437c of the Code of Civil Procedureto strike the answer of defendant(s)and enter judgment came on regularly for hearing, and all affidavits and declarations on file in support of and in opposition to said motion having been considered, the court, having found that said opposing affidavits and declarations do not show facts sufficient to present a triable issue of fact, ordered the following judgment: It is adjudged that the said answer be stricken, and that on the complaint plaintiff(s)recover from defendant(s)the sum of: $principal,$attorney fee,$interest, andApproved:$costs.Judge of the SUPERIOR COURTDate entered: Entered in Judgment Bk. Vol.I certify this to be a true copy of the judgment on file in the judgment book. Clerk of the SUPERIOR COURT ByPageClerk of the SUPERIOR COURT ByDeputyDeputy2002 © American LegalNet, Inc.