Evictions City And County Of San Francisco State of California Download Free Print-Only PDF OR Purchase Interactive PDF Version of this Form
Evictions City And County Of San Francisco State of California Form. This is a California form and can be use in San Francisco Local County.
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Tags: Evictions City And County Of San Francisco State of California, SF-1000, California Local County, San Francisco
EVICTIONS CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA PLAINTIFF: SHERIFF'S FILE NO.: COURT CASE NO.: DEFENDANT(S): EVICTION DATE: PREJUDGMENT CLAIM YES NO NOTE!! A key for locked gates or doors is needed TOTAL AMOUNT RECEIVED: for posting eviction notices. Please provide our office with the key!! CASH CHECK FAILURE TO COMPLETE ANY PART OF THE FORM BELOW MAY CAUSE THE SHERIFF TO POSTPONE YOUR EVICTION. To the Sheriff of the City and County of San Francisco: Serve Writ of Possession (Sec. 715.010-715.050 C.C.P.) and 5-day notice to vacate. Enforce Writ by removing defendant(s) from premises. Plaintiff to cover all Sheriffs' fees, costs and expenses in advance. Please contact the following person for the scheduled eviction time: NAME: (PERSON & PHONE NO. MUST BE ON-SITE!!!) ***BUILDING DOOR CODE NUMBER*** DAYTIME PHONE NUMBER(S): Location of the premises as named in the Writ of Possession: Cross Street: Please check appropriate box as needed: ELDERLY ASSAULTIVE CHILDREN DISABLED LANGUAGE ANIMALS, if yes, what kind? SERIOUS MEDICAL PROBLEMS MENTALLY DISORDERED The Undersigned hereby receives Possession of the premises/property Remaining thereon. Plaintiff/Plaintiff's Attorney Address Signature of Landlord or Representative City Zip Daytime Phone Number ****SEE BACKSIDE OF THIS FORM FOR FURTHER REQUIRED INFORMATION**** FOR SHERIFF'S USE ONLY: Date Eviction Enforced: Date Prejudgment Claim of Right Filed: Day and Date 5 Day Notice Posted / Served: Eviction cancelled by Date Eviction Cancelled: Eviction cancelled: P/A Deputy On-Site By Phone SF-1000 American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com EVICTIONS CITY AND COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA EVICTION OFFICER SAFETY ISSUES 1. Do you know of any illegal activity that may be taking place at this address? If yes, please describe what kind of illegal activity may be taking place: 2. Do you know of any police contacts at this address? PLEASE PROVIDE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ON ANY ISSUES THAT MAY POSE AN OFFICER SAFETY THREAT TO OUR DEPUTIES. DEFENDANT'S INFORMATION FULL NAME: DATE OF BIRTH: GENDER: RACE: CDL: SS#: FULL NAME: DATE OF BIRTH: GENDER: RACE: CDL: SS#: PLEASE USE ADDITIONAL PAGES IF NEEDED. THANK YOU. American LegalNet, Inc. www.USCourtForms.com