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ATTORNEY: Name Address For court use only Phone CONSERVATOR(S): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 400 McALLISTER, ROOM 103 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-4512 CONSERVATORSHIP OF PERSON ESTATE LIMITED CONSERVATORSHIP Case No. General Plan for Personal and Financial Needs of Conservatee All questions on the form must be completed and answered. If the question or blank does not apply, write "not applicable" or "none". If you need additional space to fully respond, please note on the form that a separate attachment is being provided and staple the attachment to the form. PERSONAL NEEDS Living Arrangements Current address of Conservatee (Include name of facility if appropriate) Current living arrangement: Personal residence Home of relative Board and care home Assisted living Skilled nursing facility Phone: The Conservatee has been at the present residence since __ __ . If the Conservatee is in his or her personal residence, what is the current level of care? No assistance needed at this time. Household help _ _ Hours per week Personal caregivers _ _ Hours per week What will be necessary to keep the Conservatee in his/her personal residence? If the Conservatee is not living in his/her personal residence: What is the plan to return the Conservatee to his or her personal residence? If there are no plans to return the Conservatee to his/her personal residence in the foreseeable future, explain the limitations or restrictions for not doing it. Medications Name Purpose of Medication Name Purpose of Medication Form P74 CONFIDENTIAL GENERAL PLAN FOR PERSONAL AND FINANCIAL NEEDS OF CONSERVATEE 1 February 2007 American LegalNet, Inc. Visitations How often do you visit the Conservatee? How often does the Conservatee receive visits from family and friends? Are any visitations particularly valued or upsetting to the Conservatee? Activities Describe the normal activities of Conservatee. Outings Television / Radio Social Educational Recreational Unwilling to participate Other (i.e. reading material) Describe: Special Problems Explain how you have addressed any special needs or problems raised by the Court Investigator, the Court, or other interested persons. Unable to participate Social Security Pension (Type _ _) Veterans Benefits Supplemental Security Income Estimated Interest from Investment $ $ $ $ $ FINANCIAL NEEDS Estimated Monthly Income Estimated Income from other Sources Dividends Rentals Other TOTAL Estimated Monthly Income Estimated Monthly Expenses $ $ $ $ $ TAXES Income Real Estate INSURANCE Homeowners Renters Automobile Workers Comp Health Life Other Currently Paid? Yes No Yes No Company Next Due Date Estimated monthly amount $ $ Coverage Amount Estimated monthly amount $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Premium Paid Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No $ $ $ $ $ $ $ LIVING EXPENSES Rent or Mortgage Nursing Home or Board and Care Home Live-In Attendants Other Care Providers Medical and Dental Supplies Food Utilities Telephone Laundry and Cleaning Clothing Entertainment and Recreation Transportation Other TOTAL Estimated Monthly Expenses Describe any planned changes in investments to be made in the next year and the reason for any changes. Identify any major asset that may be sold in the coming year and explain the reason for such sale. Identify the contents of any safety deposit box. Are there any valuable assets in the Conservatee's residence that need to be protected? If so, describe them and specify what steps have been taken to protect these items from loss or theft. Date: Attorney Date: Conservator Form P74 CONFIDENTIAL GENERAL PLAN FOR PERSONAL AND FINANCIAL NEEDS OF CONSERVATEE 2 February 2007 American LegalNet, Inc.