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Name Address and Telephone No. of Attorney(s) Space Below for use Court Clerk Only Attorney(s) for Representative(s) SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY Estate of : Guardianship of: Conservatorship of: Case Number: Probate Number: Decedent Conservatee Minor REQUEST FOR APPOINTMENT OF REFEREE DO NOT Present This Request Until Letters Are lssued by Clerk In Any Case Where A Petition For Letters Is Pending Date of Death or of Appointment of Guardian or Conservator REMARKS: APPROXIMATE VALUE OF ESTATE MUST BE GIVEN AS INDICATED BELOW INCLUDING JOINT TENANCY AND TRUST ASSETS. SCHEDULE A: SCHEDULE B: (Cash and other self appraised items) . . . $ See Probate Code Section No. 8900 (To be appraised by referee) Personal Property....................................... $ Real Property: IN County.............................. $ OUT of County. ................... $ (Signature) (Type or Print Name) (Phone Number) TO BE FILED WITH THE CLERK TOGETHER WITH ORIGINAL AND ONE OR MORE COPIES OF"ORDER APPOINTING REFEREE" AND A POSTAGE PAID SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOPE. F-1337 REQUEST FOR APPOINTMENT OF REFEREE 2000 (C) American LegalNet, Inc. P-17