Attachment 10 To Petition For Appointment Of Guardian
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Attachment 10 To Petition For Appointment Of Guardian Form. This is a California form and can be use in San Luis Obispo Local County.
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Tags: Attachment 10 To Petition For Appointment Of Guardian, California Local County, San Luis Obispo
Case Title: Case Number: This form must be attached to another form or court paper before it can be filed with the court. ATTACHMENT 10 TO PETITION FOR APPOINTMENT OF GUARDIAN I,_____________________________, declare that I am ____________________ in this case, and I have attempted to locate the following person(s) through the efforts listed. Name of Person: Relationship to proposed ward(s): I have checked the following as detailed: (Use additional pages if needed.) 10a. Telephone directories: 10b. Friends and Relatives: 10c. Former employers: 10d. Last known address: 10e. Voter registration: 10f. Department of Motor Vehicles: 10g. Internet search: 10h. Other: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Signature: Print name: ATTACHMENT 10 Date: American LegalNet, Inc.