Petition To Obtain Information From Superior Court Adoption File-Adoptee
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Petition To Obtain Information From Superior Court Adoption File-Adoptee Form. This is a California form and can be use in San Mateo Local County.
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Tags: Petition To Obtain Information From Superior Court Adoption File-Adoptee, ADOPT-7, California Local County, San Mateo
(Court use only)
Petition to Obtain Information From
Superior Court Adoption File-Adoptee
Family Code Section 9200
If this document is executed outside of the State of California,
the affidavit of verification is to be executed before a notary public
or other officer authorized to administer oaths.
My name is:______________________________________________
Date of Birth: ________________
Superior Court of California,
County of San Mateo
Juvenile Division
222 Paul Scannell Drive
San Mateo, CA 94402
Address: _____________________________________________________
Case #
Phone number: _____________________________
I am informed and believe that I was adopted by ____________________________________________
(complete first and last names)
The adoption took place in the County of San Mateo on or about (date) ________________________
Please check the box or boxes that apply:
Pursuant to Family Code §9200
I request permission to inspect my adoption records for the reasons set forth in the attached
declaration. I understand that if my request is granted the name’s of my birth parents and any
other information that might identify them shall be deleted from the documents or copies
I request copies of my adoption records for the reasons set forth in the attached declaration. I
understand that if my request is granted the name’s of my birth parents and any other
information that might identify them shall be deleted from the documents or copies thereof.
You must attach a detailed declaration stating the reasons for your request. If you checked both boxes above
you must provide a separate declaration for each request.
I am the applicant in the foregoing matter. I have read the foregoing application and know the contents
thereof. I certify or declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Print Name
Executed this ___________ day of ________________ 20____ at _______________________________
ADOPT-7 (updated 3-30-11)
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American LegalNet, Inc.