Juvenile Dependency Mediation Evaluation Form
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Juvenile Dependency Mediation Evaluation Form. This is a California form and can be use in San Mateo Local County.
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Tags: Juvenile Dependency Mediation Evaluation Form, ADR-JV-1, California Local County, San Mateo
Form ADR-JV-1 [Rev. 6/2018] Name (optional):JUVENILE MEDIATION PROGRAMMulti-Option ADR ProjectSuperior Court of San Mateo CountyJuvenile Division222 Paul Scannell DriveSan Mateo, CA 94402 Tel. (650) 261-5077Case Reference #: I would use mediation services again. No Yes I would recommend mediation services. No Yes Strongly Somewhat Strongly Please rank the following: (Please Circle) Disagree Disagree Agree Agree Agree 1Progress was made on my case.4 532 I made as much progress as expected. 4 5321 My case received timely attention. 4 5321 1Mediation staff/volunteers were professional.4 532 1Mediation services were fully explained.4 532 Mediation staff/volunteers made efforts to assist m432e. 15 My overall experience was good. 4321 5 21The mediators were neutral.4 53 21The mediators were respectful.4 53 I had opportunities to talk about my concerns. 4 5321 I had opportunities to learn about the other 4 5321 party222s concerns. 1The mediation was valuable to me.4 532 Other Comments: American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com