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Choose a location ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (NAME AND ADDRESS): TELEPHONE NO.: FOR COURT USE ONLY ATTORNEY FOR (NAME): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: PLAINTIFF: DEFENDANT: DECLARATION AND ORDER RE: LOST WRIT CASE NUMBER: I am the plaintiff/plaintiff's attorney of record in the above-entitled action. On _______________________, a Writ of Execution was issued by the Clerk of the Court for this action for _____________________County. The Writ was issued in favor of this party. The Writ of Execution has become lost. I have / have not delivered the Writ to the Sheriff for levy. I have searched my own records and filed for the Writ; I have asked the Sheriff to locate the Writ; I have asked the Clerk of the Court to locate the Writ; Neither I, nor any of the above persons have been able to locate the Writ, and I am asking the Court to authorize the Clerk to issue a new Writ of Execution. Executed on _______________________, at __________________________________, California. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Print Name: ____________________________ Signature: ____________________________ I have conducted a diligent search for the Writ as follows: ORDER It is hereby ordered that the Writ issued on _______________________ be deemed lost and that the Clerk of the Court may issue a new Writ of Execution for ______________________County. Executed on: ________________________ _____________________________________ Judge of the Superior Court SC-2008 [Rev. July 1 ,1999] DECLARATION AND ORDER RE: LOST WRIT CCP 2003, 2009 American LegalNet, Inc.