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ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (NAME AND ADDRESS): TELEPHONE NO.: FOR COURT USE ONLY ATTORNEY FOR (Name): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: PLAINTIFF: DEFENDANT: CASE NUMBER: ORDER FOR PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS OR CITATION Upon reading and filing evidence consisting of a declaration as proved in Section 415.50 CCP by _________________________________ and it satisfactorily appearing therefrom that the defendant, respondent, or citee ________________________________ cannot be served with reasonable diligence in any other manner specified in Article 3, Chapter 4, Title 5 of the Code of Civil Procedure, and it also appearing from the verified complaint or petition that a good cause of action exists in this action in favor of the plaintiff, petitioner, or citee therein and against the defendant, respondent, or citee and that said defendant, respondent, or citee is a necessary and proper party to the action or that the party to be served has or claims an interest in, real or personal property in this state that is subject to the jurisdiction of the Court or the relief demanded in the action consists wholly or in part in excluding such party from any interest in such property, now, on motion of _______________________________, Attorney(s) for the Plaintiff(s), Petitioner(s), or Citee(s). IT IS ORDERED that the service of said summons or citation in this action be made upon said defendant, respondent, or citee by publication thereof in _____________________________________________, a newspaper of general circulation published at __________________________, California, hereby designated as the newspaper most likely to give notice to said defendant; that said publication be made at least once a week for four successive weeks. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a copy of said summons or citation and of said complaint or petition in this action be forthwith deposited in the United States Post Office, post-paid, directed to said defendant, respondent, or citee if his address is ascertained before the expiration of the time prescribed for the publication of this summons or citation and a declaration of this mailing or of the fact that the address was not ascertained be filed at the expiration of the time prescribed for the publication. Dated: ______________________ Judge of the Superior Court SC-2029 [Revised July 1, 1999] ORDER FOR PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS OR CITATION CCP �415.50 2001 � American LegalNet, Inc.