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Choose a location ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (NAME AND ADDRESS): TELEPHONE NO.: FOR COURT USE ONLY ATTORNEY FOR (Name): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA BARBARA STREET ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: CITY AND ZIP CODE: BRANCH NAME: PETITIONER/PLAINTIFF: RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT: OTHER PARENT: NOTICE OF MEDIATION WITH FAMILY CUSTODY SERVICES (Local Rule 1501 et. seq., Family Code �3170) CASE NUMBER: Mediation date: Mediation time: Mediation place: Family Court Services 1100 Anacapa Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 201 S. Miller, Ste. 208, Santa Maria, CA 93454 Dept.: To: [Name of other parent and opposing counsel, if applicable] NOTICE: A mediation appointment is scheduled with Family Custody Services on at (time) a.m./p.m. at the Family Court Services office located : (date) Anacapa Division: 1100 Anacapa Street, First Floor, Santa Barbara, CA 93101. Tel: 805-882-4667 Cook Division: 201 S. Miller Street, Ste. 208, Santa Maria, CA 93454. Tel: 805-614-6429 A parent who has any child of this relationship in his or her care who is six (6) years old or older shall bring the child(ren) to the mediation appointment. The child(ren) will be interviewed by the mediator. Do not bring child(ren) five (5) years old or younger. For any child(ren) twelve (12) years old or younger, the parents shall arrange for a person to watch the child(ren) during the mediation appointment, so that both parents may participate in mediation without the children present with them. If there is a history of domestic violence, the Family Court Services office should be advised immediately so that appropriate arrangements for conducting the mediation can be made. INFORMATION ABOUT MEDIATION. The purpose of family custody mediation is to provide a forum for separated parents to discuss custody and visitation issues in a secure environment with a trained professional mediator. The goal is to develop a parenting plan structured around the best interests of the Page 1 of 2 Mandatory Form SC-4018 [New Nov. 7, 2011] Local Rule 1501 et. seq., FC �3170 American LegalNet, Inc. NOTICE OF MEDIATION WITH FAMILY CUSTODY SERVICES Insert Case Name: CASE NUMBER: children. Mediation is designed to reduce anger and polarization by encouraging a cooperative parenting relationship. Mediation is private and confidential. A mediator is not permitted to testify unless both parents waive the confidentiality of the mediation and a judge finds the testimony admissible. The mediator's role is to help parents resolve contested issues. The mediator does not make decisions or give legal advice. Mediation is not psychotherapy. The mediator is strictly a guide to define issues, explore alternatives, and achieve a parenting plan through communication and negotiation. Parents are encouraged, but not required, to reach an agreement. Children will not be asked to state a preference between parents. Parents are strongly discouraged from asking children to express a preference because it is extremely divisive and emotionally harmful. Unless good cause is shown, the Court may issue sanctions against attorneys or parties who fail to comply with the Local Rules regarding mediation. DECLARATION OF COMPLIANCE WITH REQUIREMENT TO CONFER IN SETTING APPOINTMENT I, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I am self- represented or I am an attorney and I represent Petitioner Respondent Other: , declare [check the appropriate boxes]: I understand that each parent is required to work with the other parent in setting a mediation appointment. I have talked with the other parent or and time of the mediation appointment. I have tried to talk with successful because: counsel for the other parent, and we agreed to the date counsel for the other parent, but I was not the other parent or [Statement of attempts to communicate and cooperate, including details such as date, time, phone number(s) called, letters written, faxes or email sent.] See additional facts stated on separate paper labeled as Attachment 5 and attached to this Notice. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. DATED: SIGNED: Declarant Page 2 of 2 SC-4018 [New Nov. 7, 2011] Mandatory Form NOTICE OF MEDIATION WITH FAMILY CUSTODY SERVICES Local Rule 1501 et. seq., FC �3170 Print Form Clear Form American LegalNet, Inc.