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Updated 053118 MONTECITO BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS MBAR PROCESS INFORMATION LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEE FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND DETAILS APPLICATION FORM INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT BUILDING HEIGHT CALCULATIONS MONTECITO FLOOR AREA CALCULATOR AND PROJECT STATISTICS WORKSHEET Click to download Montecito Floor Area Calculator South County Office 123 E. Anapamu Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Phone: (805) 568 - 2000 Fax: (805) 568 - 2030 North County Office 624 W. Foster Road, Suite C Santa Maria, CA 93455 Phone: (805) 934 - 6250 Fax: (805) 934 - 6258 P&D Website: MONTECITO BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW ( M BAR) encourage s development which exemplifies the best professional design practices so as to enhance the visual quality of the environment, benefit surrounding property values, and prevent poor quality of design. American LegalNet, Inc. Santa Barbara County Montecito Board of Architectural Review Application Page 2 Updated 053118 GENERAL INFORMATION WHAT Projects meeting any of the criteria below must be considered by the Montecito Board of Architectural Review: 267 Located in the D-Design Control Overlay Zone District 267 Located in the Montecito Planning Area 267 Subject to the Hillside and Ridgeline Development Guidelines 267 Discretionary projects where MBAR review is required for buildings and/or signs 267 Projects where MBAR review is specified by action of the Zoning Administrator, Montecito Planning Commission, or Board of Supervisors 267 Projects requiring a Modification 267 Other development as required by the county's Zoning Ordinance (Development Code) WHERE & WHEN Montecito BAR Meets every other Monday at 2:00 p.m. in the SB County Engineering Rm. at 123 East Anapamu St., Santa Barbara All meetings begin at 2:00 p.m. unless otherwise posted. See . Click on Regional Boards of Architectural Review under Hearing Bodies on the left hand side bar. HOW Submit a complete application to Planning and Development no later than 2:00 p.m. Monday for Montecito BAR, 3 weeks prior to the requested meeting date. NOTE: The agenda may be closed prior to the 2:00 p.m. deadline if a large number of applications have been received. WHICH Applicants are encouraged to submit for conceptual review in order to informally discuss a project's concept or theme on a schematic basis, and then return for preliminary and/or final approval. Applicants may not request preliminary or final reviews/approvals without the prior approval from the assigned case planner. Revised preliminary review is used when a project has already received preliminary approval and the applicant wishes to make substantial changes that would require further MBAR review and approval. EXEMPTIONS The following developments are exempt from M BAR review: Fences of 6 feet or less (unless associated with development otherwise requiring BAR) Gate posts of 8 feet or less (unless associated with development otherwise requiring BAR) Solar panels Swimming pools, hot tubs or spas Interior Alterations Decks (unless associated with development otherwise requiring BAR) American LegalNet, Inc. Santa Barbara County Montecito Board of Architectural Review Application Page 3 Updated 053118 APPEALS Decisions of the MBAR (i.e., approval or denial of preliminary or final reviews) may be appealed to the Montecito Planning Commission by the applicant or any other interested party within 10 days of the final MBAR action. A Land Use Permit for the project cannot be issued until the appeal period has expired. An appeal of a preliminary decision can relate to any or all of their findings and an appeal of a final approval can only be made if it can be demonstrated that the project for which final approval was granted does not substantially conform to the project that was granted preliminary approval. EXPIRATION Montecito Board of Architectural Review approvals expire the date the associated development permit (e.g., Coastal Development Permit, Development Plan), including time extensions, expires. Where no development permit exists, Montecito Board of Architectural Review approvals expire two years from the date of approval, except the Director may grant an extension of the approval if an active development application is being processed by Planning and Development. GRADING For projects requiring Grading Plan approval, conceptual MBAR review must occur before a land use or coastal development permit may be processed. American LegalNet, Inc. Santa Barbara County Montecito Board of Architectural Review Application Page 4 Updated 053118 LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEES In addition to MBAR, there are many communities that have their own review committees. Review by this committee and Homeowners Associations (HOA) is not required in order to obtain a permit through Planning and Development (P&D), however they may be required pursuant to your respective HOA regulations. P&D collects an additional set of plans and forwards these to the following: Applicants are responsible for contacting these applicable review bodies: Montecito: 1. Birnam Wood Golf Club, Architectural and Landscape Committee 2031 Packing House Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93108 (805) 969-2223 American LegalNet, Inc. Santa Barbara County Montecito Board of Architectural Review Application Page 5 Updated 053118 INFORMATION REGARDING THE MONTECITO BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW PURPOSE The Montecito Architectural Guidelines and Development Standards (hereafter referred to as Architectural Guidelines) were adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 1995. The Architectural Guidelines implement aspects of the Montecito Community Plan by guiding design review for new or modified structures within the Montecito Planning Area. The primary goal of the Architectural To ensure that every residential development will carefully consider the community context in which it takes place and have a compatible relationship to neighboring properties and the community design goals. ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW PROCESS Architectural review of development in Montecito is required before a project can obtain zoning and building permit approvals. Submittal Requirements. MBAR application submittals must be complete and include the items listed in the Submittal Requirements. Incomplete applications will not be accepted. Levels of Review. Projects are subject to three levels of review. Conceptual Review is the first level of review and is intended to ensure that a proposed project generally conforms to the Architectural Guidelines. At this time, MBAR evaluates whether the specific criteria related to project siting and neighborhood compatibility have been addressed. The MBAR will complete a Conceptual Review Checklist, a form to record whether the criteria are met, and provide a copy to the applicant at the meeting (see copy next page). Any deficiencies are recorded on the form with direction as to the appropriate level of review for the subsequent hearing. If substantial changes to the project are required to meet the criteria, plans for further Conceptual Review may not be accepted unless all the deficiencies identified by staff and the MBAR have been addressed. If the deficiencies are not addressed in the resubmittal, the application may be scheduled for Preliminary Review and may be denied. Intradepartmental Communication. Staff review of project compliance with zoning and community plan standards is valuable to the MBAR in their consideration of siting and design issues. When such review has occurred, it shall be provided to the MBAR. Noticing. Current practice includes County mailed notice of the first Conceptual Review to property owners within 300 feet of a project site. This practice shall be maintained and enhanced as feasible. Interested parties may request to be included on the MBAR agenda email distribution list to receive notice of future hearings. Findings. In order to grant Preliminary Approval of a design review application, the MBAR must make all of the findings included on page 6,