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Updated by DE 101018 BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW THIS PACKAGE CONTAINS BAR PROCESS INFORMATION LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEES FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND DETAILS APPLICATION FORM BUILDING HEIGHT CALCULATIONS INDEMNIFICATION AGREEMENT South County Office 123 E. Anapamu Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Phone: (805) 568 - 2000 Fax: (805) 568 - 2030 North County Office 624 W. Foster Road, Suite C Santa Maria, CA 93455 Phone: (805) 934 - 6250 Fax: (805) 934 - 6258 P&D Website: BOARD OF ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW (BAR) encourage s development which exemplifies the best professional design practices so as to enhance the visual quality of the environment, benefit surrounding property values, and prevent poor quality of design. American LegalNet, Inc. Santa Barbara County Board of Architectural Review Application Page 2 Updated by DE 101018 GENERAL INFORMATION WHAT Projects meeting any of the criteria below must be considered by one of the county Regional Boards of Architectural Review: 267 Located in the D-Design Control Overlay Zone District 267 Subject to the Hillside and Ridgeline Development Guidelines 267 Discretionary projects where BAR review is required for buildings and/or signs 267 Projects where BAR review is specified by action of the Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission, or Board of Supervisors 267 Located in the Summerland Community Plan area 267 Located in the Gaviota Coast Plan area 267 Located in the Critical Viewshed Corridor Overlay 267 Projects requiring a Modification 267 Other development as required by the county's Zoning Ordinance (Development Code) WHERE & WHEN North County BAR Meets once a month on Fridays in the Betteravia Government Center Hearing Room, 511 East Lakeside Parkway, Santa Maria. Central County BAR Meets once a month on Fridays in the Solvang Municipal Courtroom, 1745 Mission Drive, Solvang South County BAR Meets every 2 weeks on Fridays i n the SB County Engineering Rm. at 123 East Anapamu St., Santa Barbara. HOW Submit a complete application to Planning and Development no later than 2:00 p.m. Friday, 3 weeks prior to the requested meeting date. NOTE: The agenda may be closed prior to the 2:00 p.m. deadline if a large number of applications have been received. WHICH Applicants are required to submit for conceptual review in order to informally discuss a project's concept or theme on a schematic basis, and then return for preliminary and/or final review. Applicants may not request preliminary or final review/approvals without the prior approval from the assigned case planner. Revised preliminary review is used when a project has already received preliminary approval and the applicant wishes to make substantial changes that would require further BAR review and approval. EXEMPTIONS The following developments are exempt from BAR review: Fences of 6 feet or less ( unless associated with development otherwise requiring BAR ) Gate posts of 8 feet or less ( unless associated with development otherwise requiring BAR ) Solar panels Swimming pools, hot tubs or spas Interior Alterations Decks ( unless associated with development otherwise requiring BAR ) Additional Exemptions from North County BAR: Single - family dwellings, and commercial/industrial projects not open to the public, that are not visible from public roads and other public areas, are exempt from review by the NBAR, and Action by the NBAR on a non - exempt single - family dwelling is advisory only and is to be completed within either three meetings or three months of application submittal, whichever occurs first. These special provisions do not apply to Development Plans within the jurisdiction of the Planning Commission and structures subject to approved ministerial and discretionary permits, including subdivision maps that require review and approval by the Board of Architectural Review in order to mitigate visual impacts or provide for consist ency with the Comprehensive Plan, including adopted Community Plans . American LegalNet, Inc. Santa Barbara County Board of Architectural Review Application Page 3 Updated by DE 101018 APPEALS Decisions of the BAR (i.e., approval or denial of preliminary or final reviews) may be appealed to the Planning Commission by the applicant or any other interested party within 10 days of the final BAR action. A Land Use Permit for the project cannot be issued until the appeal period has expired. An appeal of a preliminary decision can relate to any or all of their findings and an appeal of a final approval can only be made if it can be demonstrated that the project for which final approval was granted does not substantially conform to the project that was granted preliminary approval. EXPIRATION Board of Architectural Review approvals expire the date the associated development permit (e.g., Coastal Development Permit, Development Plan), including time extensions, expires. Where no development permit exists, Board of Architectural Review approvals expire two years from the date of approval, except the Director may grant an extension of the approval if an active development application is being processed by Planning and Development. GRADING For projects requiring Grading Plan approval, conceptual BAR review must occur before a land use or coastal development permit may be processed. American LegalNet, Inc. Santa Barbara County Board of Architectural Review Application Page 4 Updated by DE 101018 LOCAL ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMITTEES committees. Review by these committees and Homeowners Associations (HOA) is not required in order to obtain a permit through Planning and Development (P&D), however they may be required pursuant to your respective HOA regulations. P&D collects an additional set of plans and forwards these to the following: Mission Canyon Architectural Review Committee (c/o Hugh Twibell), 1159 Tunnel Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105 (805) 687-9671, Fax: (805) 687-9671, Email: Review by the Mission Canyon Architectural Review Committee is optional. Summerland Board of Architectural Review (c/o Jeff O'Neill) P.O. Box 508, Summerland, CA 93067 Jeff O'Neill (805) 969-1971 or Mary Holzhauer (805) 565-3751 Review by the Summerland Board of Architectural Review is optional. Applicants are responsible for contacting these applicable review bodies: South County: 1. Pepper Hill Homes Association 1215 De La Vina, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Desmond O'Neill, (805) 966-2211 2. Hope Ranch Park Homes Association 695 Via Tranquila, Santa Barbara, CA 93110 (805) 967-2376 Central County: 1. Hollister Ranch Owners' Association Design Board Box 1000 Bulito Canyon, Gaviota, CA 93117 (805) 567-5020 2. Los Olivos Board of Architectural Review PO Box 27, Los Olivos, CA 93441-0027 Beverly Whitmore, (805) 688-4943 American LegalNet, Inc. Santa Barbara County Board of Architectural Review Application Page 5 Updated by DE 101018 FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL Prior to approving any BAR application, the Board of Architectural Review shall make the following findings: 1. In areas designated as rural on the land use plan maps, the height, scale, and design of structures shall be compatible with the character of the surrounding natural environment, except where technical requirements dictate otherwise. Structures shall be subordinate in appearance to natural landforms; shall be designed to follow the natural contours of the landscape; and shall be sited so as not to intrude into the skyline as seen from public viewing places. (Coastal Zone only) 2. In areas designated as urban on the land use plan maps and in designated rural neighborhoods, new structures shall be in conformance with the scale and character of the existing community. Clustered development, varied circulation patterns, and diverse housing types shall be encouraged (Coastal Zone only). 3. Overall building shapes, as well as parts of any structure (buildings, walls, fences, screens, towers or signs) are in proportion to and in scale with other existing or permitted structures on the same site and in the area surrounding the property. 4. M