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Santa Barbara County Site Map Requirements Form SITE PLAN/TOPOGRAPHIC MAP REQUIREMENTS SCALE: 1 inch = 40 feet (or larger, i.e., 1 inch = 20 feet) SIZE: 24" by 36" maximum (larger sizes are accepted on a case by case basis) ACCURATELY DEPICT THE FOLLOWING (AS APPLICABLE) The Site Plan and Topographic Map may be shown on one map if all information required for both is entirely legible. If not, all bulleted items must be shown on both the plan and the map, all information required in Sections I, II and VI must be shown on the Topographic Map, and all information required in Sections III, IV, V, and VI must be shown on the Site Plan. Mylar over-sheets showing the required information for the individual sections are preferred. The Site Plan shall be drawn in graphic scale and include the following: · · · · · · · · North arrow Assessor's Parcel Number Date Address of the project site The exterior boundaries of the parcel in conformance with existing records, with information as to dimensions and bearings Gross and Net acreage and boundaries of the existing property Gross and Net area of each proposed lot. Location, width, nature and status of all existing and proposed easements, reservations and rights-of-way, whether or not on record, to which the subject property is, or will be, subject must be shown on the map. A small-scale vicinity map portraying and orienting the boundaries of the project site with respect to surrounding areas and roads Demonstration of a validly created parcel and graphic configuration of such legal parcels · I. GENERAL A. TOPOGRAPHY - Contour intervals shall be as follows: Datum for elevations should be indicated on the map 1. For parcels with predominantly moderate slopes (under 25%): a. 10 foot intervals for proposed parcels of more than 20 acres b. 5 foot intervals for proposed parcels of 5 to 20 acres c. 1 or 2 foot intervals for proposed parcels less than 5 acres Updated by FTC 041014 American LegalNet, Inc. Santa Barbara County Site Map Requirements Form 2. For parcels with predominantly steeper slopes (over 25%): a. 10 or 25 foot intervals for proposed parcels of more than 20 acres b. 5 or 10 foot intervals for proposed parcels of 5 to 20 acres c. 5 foot intervals for proposed parcels less than 5 acres 3. For large parcels (50 + acres) with predominantly extreme slopes (over 30%), 50 foot contour intervals may be used 4. Show topography offsite through 3 contour intervals. 5. Contour maps showing topography and areas proposed for major regrading B. SLOPES - Depict the existing grade as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. Average slopes Indicate 20% - 30% slopes with shading Use an alternate indicator (e.g., hatching) for slopes of greater than 30% Slopes may be indicated on a separate map sheet if extensive shading is necessary II. GRADING - Indicate the following: Areas of proposed grading Revised contour lines Estimated cut and fill for all building sites and roadways Proposed drainage plan, including method of conveying water off the site, types of conveyances, and proposed discharge location E. Retaining walls (include height and length) III. ACCESS - Indicate the following: A. Location, name, and width of all existing and proposed roads, streets, access driveways and alleys within the parcel. Identify each as existing or proposed. B. Location, name, and width of all existing roads, streets, alleys and street intersections along the boundaries of the proposed land division. Approximate width and location of proposed streets and their connector roads and other major highways on surrounding property. C. Location, width, nature and status of all existing and proposed easements, reservations and rights-of-way, whether or not on record, to which the subject property is, or will be subject D. Streets or other areas to be offered for dedication E. Trails (horseback riding, hiking, etc.) F. All interior circulation patterns including existing and proposed streets, walkways, bikeways, and connections to existing and proposed arterial and connector roads and other major highways G. The location, names, widths, approximate grade and curve radii of all existing and proposed roads, streets, and access easements within or affecting the parcels and the existing roads, streets and easements serving the parcels H. Roads should be below 15% slopes per Fire Department I. A statement of intent with respect to the establishment of utilities, services, and facilities including water, sewage disposal, fire protection, police protection, schools, and transportation, i.e., access, proximity to public transit, or provision of bike lanes, etc. J. Proposed public access or recreational areas, trails, or streets to be dedicated to the County A. B. C. D. Updated by FTC 041014 American LegalNet, Inc. Santa Barbara County Site Map Requirements Form IV. DEVELOPMENT AND USE A. STRUCTURES - Locate all existing and proposed structures, and include the following notations: 1. Label all structures "Existing" or "Proposed" 2. The use, number of stories, height, square footage, and approximate age for each of the above structures 3. Setback distance to proposed lot lines 4. Distance between buildings 5. Label any structure(s) to be demolished 6. Note if permits were obtained for these structures In addition, indicate the following: 7. Buildings and structures within 50 feet of the property, and their use (It is very important that this information be included on the map.) 8. Existing or proposed fences or walls (indicate height and material) 9. Proposed retaining walls (include height and length) 10. Number and type of dwelling units in each building, i.e., single family dwelling, Condominium, apartment, etc. and number of bedrooms in each unit. B. DEVELOPMENT ENVELOPES (Include all disturbed areas) 1. Shall be located at least 6 feet outside of native tree driplines (oak, willow, sycamore, bay) 2. Shall encompass slopes of less than 20% 3. Shall encompass area for access drives, leach fields, utilities, and associated grading 4. Indicate size of any designated development envelopes C. OTHER DEVELOPMENT - Indicate where applicable 1. Location of parking spaces, including loading spaces, and parking ratio (parking spaces per building square footage, number of employees and number of proposed new employees, or dwelling units, whichever is applicable), identification of overflow or excess parking, identification of parking areas using permeable surfaces 2. Lo