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ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT AN ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY NAME: STREET ADDRESS: CITY, STATE, ZIP: TELEPHONE NO: FAX NO. (Optional) : EMAIL ADDRESS (Optional ): ATTORNEY FOR (Name): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ Santa Cruz Branch Watsonville Branch 701 Ocean Street 1 Second Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Watsonville, CA 95076 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER : v. DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: DECLARATION OF DUE DILIGENCE CASE NUMBER: Form Adopted for OPTIONAL USE Superior Court of Santa Cruz County SUPCV 0147 07/01/19 DECLARATION OF DUE DILIGENCE Page 1 of 3 SUP CV 0147 This form is designed to help show the Court what you have done to locate someone who needs to be notified about your court action. This is not a standalone request to waive notice or provide notice in a different way. You must use separate forms for each person you are unable to locate. I, the undersigned, declare as follows: 1. I am the Plaintiff/Petitioner in this action. I cannot, after reasonable search, locate and serve the person: Name of the person I need to give notice to: If the case is about a minor what is the relationship between this person and the minor: The complaint/petition in this action was filed on . The last known residence address is: The approximate date when the person named above was last known to live there: . 2. The last contact I had with the person in Item 1 or the last information I had concerning their whereabouts is as follows: 3. I mailed a letter to the last known address for the person listed in Item 1 on / / and it was was not returned to me. American LegalNet, Inc. PLAINTIFF : DEFENDANT: CASE NUMBER : Form Adopted for OPTIONAL USE Superior Court of Santa Cruz County SUPCV 0147 07/01/19 DECLARATION OF DUE DILIGENCE Page 2 of 3 4. I looked in print or online telephone directories and called directory assistance in the following city(ies): to try and locate the person in Item 1. Information obtained: . 5. I checked with relatives, friends, acquaintances, and employers to locate the person in Item 1. I contacted: Name: Date checked: / / Information obtained: Name: Date checked: / / Information obtained: Name: Date checked: / / Information obtained: Name: Date checked: / / Information obtained: Continued on attachment 5. I was unable to check with any of the above because: 6. I searched the real and personal property indexes in the recorder222s and assessor222s offices for the county where the person in Item 1 was last known or believed to reside. Date searched: / / Information obtained: 7. I searched the Internet, including Social Media sites, to locate the person in Item 1 on / / . List sites searched and results of search: Continued on attachment 7. American LegalNet, Inc. PLAINTIFF : DEFENDANT: CASE NUMBER : Form Adopted for OPTIONAL USE Superior Court of Santa Cruz County SUPCV 0147 07/01/19 DECLARATION OF DUE DILIGENCE Page 3 of 3 8. I contacted the applicable criminal justice agency (such as Department of Corrections Locator Service at (916) 445-6713), on / / . Information obtained: 9. I also tried to give notice to the person in Item 1 in other ways: (Describe) 10. Other relevant information: Despite my diligent efforts, I have been unable to find the person listed in Item 1. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the above information is true and correct. Executed on (date) , at (city) , California. (Signature) (Print your name) American LegalNet, Inc.