Ex Parte Application And Order To Seal And Unlawful Detainer Case
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ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY ( Name, State Bar number, and address ): TE LEPHONE NO: FAX NO. (Optional) E - MAIL ADDRESS ( Optional ): ATTORNEY FOR ( Name ): FOR COURT USE ONLY SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ 701 Ocean Street, Room 110 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: vs. DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT : EX PARTE APPLICATION AND ORDER TO SEAL AN UNLAWFUL DETAINER CASE Page 1 of 1 CASE NUMBER: SUP CV 1098 Form Adopted for OPTIONAL Use Superior Court of Santa Cruz County SUPCV 1098 0 1/ 0 1/18 EX PARTE APPLICATION AND ORDER TO SEAL AN UNLAWFUL DETAINER CASE 1. Defendant(s) requests that the unlawful detainer case be sealed. 2. The complaint was filed on . 3. On the case was: a. Dismissed b. Judgment was decided in favor of defendant after trial. c. Failure to prosecute or dismiss within confidential 60 day period. I/We declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true American LegalNet, Inc. www.FormsWorkFlow.com