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ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (NAME AND ADDRESS) FOR COURT USE ONLY TELEPHONE NO.: ATTORNEY FOR (Name): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ Watsonville Branch 1 Second Street, Room 300 Watsonville, CA 95076 PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: OTHER PARENT/CLAIMANT: APPLICATION AND STIPULATION FOR ORDER TO CHANGE STATUS CONFERENCE DATE (FAMILY LAW) (Must be filed 10 calendar days prior to the current scheduled Status Conference) 1. 2. CASE NUMBER: DEPARTMENT: The current Status Conference in the above matter is set on:____________________(date) at ___________________ (time). The parties understand it is the goal of the court to have family law cases concluded in twelve months from the date of first filing (CRC 5.83), and respectfully request this Application be granted . 3. FOR GOOD CAUSE as stated below, the parties hereby stipulate to and apply for a change of the Status Conference date. a. b. c. We are in Mediation- Started:___________________________; Anticipate finishing____________________________. (You will be set within four months of current status conference date) We would like an earlier Status Conference date because we have filed all necessary paperwork to complete our case. We would like a later Status Conference date because:_________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. 5. The parties are unavailable in the next four (4) months for a future hearing on these dates:_______________________________ Please set the new status conference out 60 days; 90 days; 120 days; Other_______________________ We agree to the foregoing, and request this Stipulation be made an order of the Court: Dated: ___________________________ ________________________________________ Petitioner/Plaintiff Dated: ___________________________ Attorney Attorney ________________________________________ Respondent/Defendant ORDER The Court approves the terms agreed to in this document and makes them court orders. All previous orders not inconsistent with these orders remain in full force and effect. Dated: _____________________________________________ Judge of the Superior Court The Status Conference shall be moved to: (date)___________________________________at ___________________________am/pm in Dept.______________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ APPLICATION AND STIPULATION FOR ORDER TO MOVE STATUS CONFERENCE DATE SUPCV-1013b (Rev. 1/13) (FAMILY LAW) (Mandatory) Local Rule 3.1.06 American LegalNet, Inc.