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ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT AN ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): TELEPHONE NO: FAX NO. (Optional) EMAIL ADDRESS (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name): FOR COURT USE ONLY SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CRUZ Santa Cruz Branch 701 Ocean Street, Room 110 Santa Cruz, CA 95060 CONSERVATORSHIP GUA RDIANSHIP S ESTATE OF: DECLARATION OF DILIGENT SEARCH AND REQUEST TO DISPENSE WITH NOTICE CASE NUMBER: HEARING DATE: TIME: DEPT: Form Adopted for OPTIONAL USE Superior Court of Santa Cruz County SUPCV 1095 11 / 02 / 18 DECLARATION OF DILIGENT SEARCH AND REQUEST TO DISPENSE WITH NOTICE Page 1 of 3 SUP CV 1095 You must use separate forms for each person you are unable to serve/locate. I, the undersigned, declare as follows: 1. The whereabouts of the following relative of the minor child(ren ), conservatee, or decedent are unknown, and I cannot, after reasonable search, locate and serve the person: Name of the person I need to give notice to: Relationship between this person and the minor, conservatee, or decedent: The last known address for this person is: The approximate date when the person named above was last known to reside there: 2. I mailed a letter to the last known address for the person listed in Item 1 on / / and it was was not returned to me. 3. I also tried to give notice to the person in Item 1 in other ways: (Describe) 4. The last contact I had with the person in Item 1 or the last information I had concerning his/her whereabouts is as follows: American LegalNet, Inc. IN THE MATTER OF : CASE NUMBER : Form Adopted for OPTIONAL USE Superior Court of Santa Cruz County SUPCV 1095 11 / 02 / 18 DECLARATION OF DILIGENT SEARCH AND REQUEST TO DISPENSE WITH NOTICE Page 2 of 3 5. I looked in the telephone directory and called directory assistance in the following city: to try and locate the person in Item 1. Information obtained: 6. I checked with relatives, friends, acquaintances, and employers to locate the person in Item 1. I contacted: Name: Date checked: / / Information obtained: Name: Date checked: / / Information obtained: Name: Date checked: / / Information obtained: Name: Date checked: / / Information obtained: Name: Date checked: / / Information obtained: 7. ces for the county where the person in Item 1 was last known or believed to reside. Date searched: / / Information obtained: 8. I searched the Internet to locate the person in Item 1 on / / . Result: 9. I contacted the applicable criminal justice agency (such as Department of Corrections Locator Service at (916) 445 - 6713), on / / . Information obtained: American LegalNet, Inc. IN THE MATTER OF : CASE NUMBER : Form Adopted for OPTIONAL USE Superior Court of Santa Cruz County SUPCV 1095 11 / 02 / 18 DECLARATION OF DILIGENT SEARCH AND REQUEST TO DISPENSE WITH NOTICE Page 3 of 3 10. Other relevant information: Despite my diligent efforts, I have been unable to find and therefore ask the court for permission to dispense with notice. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the above information is tru e and correct. Executed on ( date ) , at ( city ) , California. (Signature) (Print your name) American LegalNet, Inc.