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Stipulation And Order Re Partial Child Custody Evaluation Form. This is a California form and can be use in Solano Local County.
Tags: Stipulation And Order Re Partial Child Custody Evaluation, 303, California Local County, Solano
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SOLANO In re the Marriage of: Petitioner: and Respondent: / Case No. STIPULATION AND ORDER RE PARTIAL CHILD CUSTODY EVALUATION ORDER FOR CHILD CUSTODY EVALUATION: By stipulation of the parties, the Court orders the appointment of as a Child Custody Evaluator to conduct a partial custody evaluation so as to provide assistance in determining custody and visitation. Evidence Code �730. Evaluator's Address: , California Telephone Number: This appointment is governed by the provisions of California COST: It is further ordered that the cost of the evaluation will be payable as follows. Pursuant to the Court's authority to order reimbursement for the services of an Evaluator under Evidence Code �730 and 731, and Family Code �3112, a fee of $1,500.00 is ordered to be paid to on or before . Name of Evaluator Date This fee shall be paid by the parties as follows: Petitioner shall pay: Respondent shall pay: shall pay: Name of Other Party or Person $ $ $ The evaluation fee is to be paid in advance. The evaluation process will not begin until payment has been received by the Evaluator. The Court reserves jurisdiction to apportion costs between the parties. Form #303 Rev. 3/00 SL-303 2001 � American LegalNet, Inc. CONTACT WITH EVALUATOR: Each party shall contact the Child Custody Evaluator's office within five (5) days of the date of this Order. Each party shall actively cooperate with the Evaluator and shall comply with the Evaluator's requests. These requests may include, but are not limited to: timely setting and keeping appointments, signing of releases, providing requested documentation, taking tests, making the minor children / family members available for meetings, timely paying the Evaluator and other reasonable requests made by the Evaluator. No attorney or party shall initiate ex-parte contact with the Evaluator except regarding logistical matters. DOCUMENTS: shall provide the Evaluator with a copy of this Order within five (5) days. The party who provides the Evaluator with a copy of this Order shall also promptly provide to the Evaluator complete copies of all prior mediation reports, custody orders, and prior court-ordered evaluation reports. NO ATTORNEY OR PARTY SHALL: Provide any other documents or submissions to the Evaluator except upon the Evaluator's request. Provide documents or other submissions as requested by the Evaluator without first providing complete copies to the opposing counsel or party at least five (5) days in advance before providing them to the Evaluator. The Court orders the Evaluator be provided with the following documents: Child(ren)'s school records for the time period at issue Medical records for the child(ren) Notes and records from child care provider(s) Notes and reports from any professional visitation or exchange supervisors Police reports Records of criminal conviction(s) of party Medical records of the parties Reports of Drug Test Results Other: Specific Court-ordered documents: CONFIDENTIALITY: THE PARTIAL EVALUATION REPORT IS CONFIDENTIAL. The parties are ordered not to show the report to any person other than his/her attorney, retained expert, or the Court. The parties shall not discuss any aspect of this Evaluation directly with the minor child(ren), or with anyone else other than those specified herein. The parties are ordered not to allow any other person to discuss the evaluation with the minor child(ren), or in their presence. The parties also are ordered not to allow any other person to read the evaluation report or discuss it with the minor child(ren). Form #303 Rev. 3/00 2001 � American LegalNet, Inc. EVIDENCE: The evaluator's report shall be admitted into evidence without further foundation. NEXT HEARING DATE: The Evaluator shall provide a report with his/her conclusions and recommendations to the Court and to counsel or to the parties, if they are appearing pro per, five (5) days before the next hearing. The parties will return to Court for further hearing in this matter on at in Department . OTHER ORDERS: See Attachment. STIPULATION: By their signatures below, the parties acknowledge the following: (1) they have read and understood this Stipulation and Order; (2) they will participate in the evaluation process as described above; (3) they will pay the evaluation fee as set forth above; and (4) they will return to court on the date specified above. DATED: Petitioner DATED: Attorney for Petitioner DATED: Respondent DATED: Attorney for Respondent DATED: Other Party DATED: Attorney for Other Party IT IS SO ORDERED. DATED: JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT Form #303 Rev. 3/00 2001 � American LegalNet, Inc.